Mullah Omar

This seems like one of those patented AV Club “scandals” that nobody actually gives a shit about. The dead giveaway is the random switch halfway through the article from the mock outrage about lesbian nuns fucking with a religious symbol to the mock outrage about the lack of “intimacy coordinator” on set to the mock

Better to go with FlorPug

Richard E. Grant

This explains why he’s been wearing nothing but a barrel with suspenders since Avatar came out.

Kind of. Jane Foster was already the official Thor in the comics (worth mentioning that this was her name - she didn’t become a spin-off character like “Lady Thor” or “Thordis”, just THOR because “classic” Thor became unworthy).

It was confirmed after his death that he'd recorded material for the show. Not sure why A.V. Club are reaching out to Disney instead of maybe Googling. 

You must have really liked that vampire one.

but IMDb, as untrustworthy as it is, also promises...and even Chadwick Boseman

Kudos to Richard E Grant for remaining dignified in that utterly ridiculous “classic Loki” costume.  There’s a short list of actors who could pull that off without losing all credibility in their performance.

Checks out. What I’ve never understood is how Chunk, without seemingly checking with any of the adult in his life, just arbitrarily decides that his family is going to adopt Sloth. I’m assuming that it’s a deleted scene as well:

Agreed. She’s great in the role, too.

What a great story. This is the kind of action that we should applaud (and frankly, expect) from people who have money.

That really is the best value bet on the board. Not only for the reason you state, but because you don’t hire Gugu and only give her this much to do.

I feel like Kang could end up in the post-credits scene, but I’m paying out DaBard Cool Points on the 8-1 of Ravonna is the Big Bad during the episode.

I’d put good money on those 8:1 TVA odds and bet that Ravonna is heavily involved. At one point in episode 5 she has a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it sardonic smile on her face right after saying that she wants to catch whoever’s behind the TVA.


  • There’s Stark Tower.

In the Covid time-dilation genre of “I could have sworn this movie was already released”

longshot bet is that Miss Minutes is the actual big bad. 

This one felt a lot like Dr. Who in terms of look, vibe, a sortof cheapness, and also DiMartino. There’s nothing wrong with Dr. Who, but it felt like it was aiming for Thor: Ragnarok, but only got partway there. And if someone is playing opposite Hiddleston they really need to pop (Owen Wilson has been fun) and so