Mullah Omar

That species of frog was already named in honor Willie Dixon.

I hope that frog doesn’t get

Misty Mountain Hopper 

This just in, entire species of frog has been cancelled for sleeping with underage groupies

Absolutely. Just as there are lots of women and POC in the world that deserve representation, there are also people over 40 who haven’t literally disappeared just because Death is now coming for them. I get very tired of seeing 27 year olds (badly) made-up to look like senior citizens. Hire some freakin’, awesome

I only started watching SNL a year ago (after decades of indifference). It’s mind-boggling that the guy has been there for 7 seasons yet still hasn’t distinguished himself in any meaningful way, unless you count Chad’s deadpan “Ok.” He’s kinda like the guy who stays in college forever because no one knows what to do

Given that Harley seems to be wielding Javelin’s javelin in half her footage, I don't fancy his chances much.

Now playing

Kevin Conway’s turn as Crum the mailman is classic. He’s just a blur launching letters at Farmer’s mailbox at high speed from that beat up old truck through most of the movie. We only actually see him when he hand-delivers the mail to Farmer, motivated by that $50 reward if there’s a sale.

CHRIS Evans? He’s really let himself go after he got fired from playing Steve Rogers!

This is what everybody says all the time but I’m thinking SNL might be a better show if they doubled down on older, experienced performers and tried to actually be good. It doesn’t have to be a cast of 25 year olds fresh out of UCB or Second City classes, it’s already completely out of touch with anything Gen Z cares

I can’t say I have anything particularly against the guy - I’ve never been a fan of wasting my energy hating things that aren’t actively problematic - but I also really, really don’t get why he’s as big as he is. He’s like this generation’s Shia Lebeouf - like, he’s not wholly without talent, but he keeps getting cast

I think the main source of hate might be that he’s a comedian who a lot of people think sucks at being a comedian. Also, he’s dumb as hell.

I can’t take websites that over-criticize Disney seriously when John Cena apologized to a foreign government for calling Taiwan a country and it got like... a day’s worth of press at the *most*.

I still wish they would've brought Sam Rockwell back to be the bad guy in "Ant Man and the Wasp". Justin Hammer trying to steal Pym tech to get back on top is extremely on-brand. 

On the other hand, Mickey Rourke. He’s a great actor, just not here. They should’ve picked someone else. And if they were going to do “Demon in a Bottle”, do it, don’t half-ass it.

Wonder Woman was really good, but it does have 3rd act problems.

Hey, I like Iron Man 2. Sam Rockwell. Mickey Rourke asking for his boird. Introducing Black Widow and bringing Don Cheadle to the party.   There’s a lot to like there.  

In the series, we go to full-on “in your face” current social issues. No subtlety, no implications, no nuance.