Mullah Omar

Agreed with all of the above (or at least, the first few responses that I skimmed). It’s just shipping. It has always been annoying. I was a Mulder-Scully anti-shipper because why can’t two adults be friends and even love each other without it being romance?

Dude. Look who you’re arguing with. The only winning move is not to play with him.

Honestly, Mackie would have been better off just saying that. “Shippers gonna ship. It may not be the interpretation that the show intended, but it does show a passionate fan base that is engaged in these characters’ stories. For my part, I am particularly happy that our show tries to move beyond superficial

This right here. Bucky only has eyes for Sarah. 

Why does this make him so upset? It’s pretty simple: if I had a bunch of shippers bugging me day in and day out about their OTP, I'd probably snap too.

Show runners feed it too. New Doctor Who is a good example where for the first several series the companions always wanted to fuck/fell in love with the Doctor but everyone who has ever watched Doctor Who knew he’d never end up in a relationship.

I think people just ship.  Shippers gonna ship.  It’s the same with hetero friendships too, really.  Everyone’s always all will they or won’t they.  

Was always a thing with male-female pairings too.

I’m not him (that you know of), but in re: your question:

It’s funny that the top comment in this section is from a white guy saying it’s not his place to comment.

I actually know what happened because I once had some dealings with (and really didn’t like) Peter Bogdanovich, who directed “Mask.” The actual kid that they made the movie about was a big Springsteen fan, and that was pivotal to the story. But Columbia Records, more than Bruce himself, suddenly said they wanted far

As a, light skinned Latinx, I will say there are times it sucks being that because like lots of minorities it comes at you from both sides.

I’ve never been so torn as to whether I want to know what something is before...

It’s not going to end well for him, will it? This is one of those sad situations where you know they’re racing for the cliff, and all you can do is stay clear.”

Dire story. Upshot is that I never expected Steve O to be a lucid voice of reason.

Because Joe Rogan is clearly insecure about his masculinity but also a dick about it. And his fans are also insecure about whether they qualify as “Real men.” And instead of using his massive platform to promote healthy, non-toxic views of what a man can be, he’s using it to reinforce ego-trip bullshit that encourages

Joe Rogaine.


You're just asking questions.

Many people are saying, so we should at least teach the controversy.