Mullah Omar

No mention of Jessica Henwick playing Colleen Wing on the Netflix Marvel shows?  I didn’t bother watching Iron Fist, so I first noticed her on The Defenders.

There’s an alternate world where Iron Fist never happened and we got a Daughters of the Dragon series instead. We’re stuck in the darker timeline.

Now playing

I hate how Americans seem to associate Rowan Atkinson solely with Mister Bean. He’s so much funnier in sardonic roles - a film like Knives Out would suit him perfectly.

There’s also the joke from the first Guardians movie that implied Star Lord had jizzed everywhere in his ship.

Plus his hookup in the beginning of the movie that A) he forgot was still on the ship and B) forgot her name.

She was the best part of Iron Fist.

I know most people think of him as Mr. Bean, but to me he’ll always be the Blackadder

I don’t know why SE specifically has this problem. Like, the Spider-Man game featured a Peter Parker who didn’t look especially like any movie incarnation but still looked like Peter Parker enough that we didn’t care. The Arkham games never tried to make Batman look specifically like Christian Bale but again nobody

He still believes.

I mean, “Draxophone” was right there

He plays a Draxophone?

Once they trot out the show, I bet it has a good run.  

There’s a Cyberpunk joke here I just know it.

I’m wondering if Sly’s facial nerve damage affects his sense of taste as well as his speech.

It stood out to me too, but then I remembered he has nerve damage in his face from when he was born. So actually chewing might not be the most comfortable experience.

Helps though with the three seashells.

Hard Rock is owned by the Seminole Tribe!

I’m sure Sly approved of future Taco Bell entress.

I never went to a Planet Hollywood but it felt like a desperate attempt to recreate the Hard Rock Cafe but in movie form. Say what you will about HRC but at least the food is decent.

And they can take Rainforest Cafe with them.

Joke’s on you, Stewart, I’m into that.