Mullah Omar

—The A.V. Club

Would you please stop being so damned reasonable?

I never took “I was a child” to mean that she was literally a child, but just that Marion was a college-age teenager (say, 18 or 19), and he was 8 or 10 years older.  So she still felt like a kid in comparison to him, the older man.

You’re absolutely right. I was writing all of that in between classes and in my haste I went by what Barsanti himself says in that same paragraph:

This is SUCH a relevant point to this discussion that I wish more people would talk about it, and I’m really pissed off that it seems to have never crossed the minds of the smug assholes perpetuating this narrative (or, at least, they’re acting like it hasn’t).

Exactly. People keep acting like she could have whipped out her smartphone and googled “Fair St. Louis” to get a rundown of its racist history like you can today.

I’m going to dissect this bullshit one bit at a time:

because we all know that the apology story always gets as much traction as the smear, especially on a shitty website as this. 

I was surprised by the other article and it’s invertebrate analysis of this ‘controversy’; Sam Barsanti is a different story, his idiotic ramblings are just his version of professional blogging. He’s got the editorial talent of a goat.

I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

“a wise warrior knows when he or she should retreat.”

Was she making music and touring?

Basically their version of The Trip movies, only presumably along the way they kill a few people.

No, that title goes to that one guy I saw in some movie the other night.

Try this one weird trick to not get hungover!  Your bladder will hate you!

I hear he comes on too Strong.

he needs to stop worrying about his own myth-making.


‘You expect me to talk?’

How Strong hasn’t been a Bond Villain yet eludes me.