Mullah Omar

What a great interview

but the thing that makes this like John Wick is that it stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead, an actor who doesn’t normally do action movies

And they replied:

Someone somewhere thought “mutagen ranch” was a good name for a product. In its own way it’s sort of heartwarming.


To be fair, Paul is far from the ugliest (and most damaging) American to ever visit the island.

This seems like great news. Simone Missick is a treat and Walt Goggins is a treasure. Now maybe they’ll be on something I want to watch!

It was something Dennis did in the ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s, and probably a lot after that.

The only thing I question about the reboot is how well Daniel Stern’s voice will play as narrator this time. 

I thought that was Chloe, tbh. 

And Roger Murtaugh wasn’t written specifically as a Black man. There’s a really great documentary about Marion Dougherty, perhaps the most influential casting director in film history, where she talked about that.

Totally agree. I'd also argue that if people with actual Indian heritage saw his performance and thought he was Indian, it wasn't an insulting stereotype of a character (I've never seen the movie, so I won't speak to it more than that). So I think it's not totally unreasonable that he meant to do the character

Indian dude here.

Look, he could be like one of the millions of other boomers in the country who insist that today’s culture is overly sensitive. Instead he’s acknowledging that it was a different time and that it was not the right thing to do. Let’s give him some credit.

One of those roles was in My Science Project, which always has a fond place in my heart. It’s a sorta dumb movie, but it’s fun and colorful.

Older movies aren’t hard to watch if you can just accept that anything made more than five minutes ago is probably gonna contain something that’s offensive by today’s standards. It’s called contextualizing art, and it’s a really useful skill if you want to enjoy things.

You do realize that co-pilot Roger Murdock was played by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, a Black Rights activist besides being a famous athlete? Maybe he’d be a better judge on whether he felt Airplane! was racist.

(into outer space)

Los Locos should kick this guys’ ass!

Don't know where you've been reading but I thought they were both solid and ended as well as a show trying to fit its story into a massive multimedia mythology could.