Mullah Omar

B&W refused because they saw those Star Wars dollar signs on the horizon. But then they completely shot themselves in the foot by delivering absurdly subpar seasons, and then Star Wars went away. 

True, but counter-point:

fuck ‘em

The show is gonna have to be incredible to facilitate audience retention. If not it’s going to debut to huge numbers that trail off by the end of the first season. It’ll probably get an earlier renewal and then we’ll see budget cuts and scaling back a la Westworld.

I think they had a potential showrunner right there too with Brian Cogman, who actually appreciated the source material. A lot of weird decisions around those last two seasons.

I love how everyone, even the hijackers are all Archie Bunker-esque out of shape working class schlubs. 

The victim should have let the wookie win.

In all seriousness, I’ve wondered if he might be a candidate to take over for Lorne Michaels at Saturday Night Live. I think that ship has sailed by now, but you never know...

I’m not sure if you are alluding to him writing Simpsons episodes, or that he belongs in a toxic waste barrel.

Hopefully Paul Rudd pops in for one last Mac and Me clip

Nah. Sam said fuck Steve because he didn’t return his Marvin Gaye album

If everything is happening concurrently then wouldn’t Spiderman be a fugitive in Europe and Dr Strange be doing whatever his movies gonna be about? They got bigger fish to fry

Hell in Ant Man, Scott explicitly brings up that they should call the Avengers but Hank turns that idea down because he doesn’t trust Stark.

Sir, this is an Arby's.

Like, he got what he wanted. Can’t he just go away to make his own movies? Like, he clearly wasn’t happy doing what the studio wants. At this point he’s just doing this out of spite.

Kinda shitty to tell your toxic fanbase to automatically hate someone else’s new project right after you got yours made. 

With apologies to Laserface:

A perfect choice for this column! And a chatterbox to boot. Excellent.

Just want to say this is one of my favorite features on this site. Not every actor is a leading man/woman, but you can still have a great career. The actors interviewed for these pieces are always so forthcoming and really appreciative of what they have.

Season 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer was pretty mediocre ... up until the season finale, which was AMAZING, and set the stage for what the show would be for the next six seasons.

Both of those things can be true at the same time.