Mullah Omar

Unless a miracle happens, this movie is fucked. Hammer is toxic, and this will only get worse with time, and a noted, reshoots would be damn near impossible because Hammer’s character is a central one, who interacts with all the others. Unlike All the Money in the World, where they only had to bring back two

Compared to all the depressing stuff on Twitter last week, this shit is a fucking hoot and I’m totally here for it. 

The screenshots look alright, not amazing but ok. Might get it in a future sale but until then... I don’t really need it when I can just play Rome 2 (and yeah I know they’re not the same in raw gameplay but in terms of the setting they are very similar).

If you can get Hellen Mirren to play the Big Bad, you do whatever you need to do to make it work. 

He looks like an ice cream man who isn’t allowed to drive his truck near elementary schools.

He looks like Beaker from the Muppets only with boundary issues.

Thomas Middleditch is what you’d get if you asked someone to draw a caricature of a white man running a pick-up artist seminar at a gaming convention.

Meanwhile, the extended cut that REALLY ought to be the subject of outcry and demands for release - The Assassination of Jesse James - continues to sit god knows where.

The Ayer Cut would be 90 mins of character introduction scenes.

I mean why would they? They already have James Gunn doing what is essentially a soft reboot.

They would release the Ayer cut, but it’s probably damaged.

That’s an exaggeration meant to discredit him in conservative circles. It wasn’t his cousin.

If Guiliani can’t keep it in his pants, at least some people can...

Those movies were released only three years apart.

My first thought was Baldwin as well. My own prejudice is that I think Berenger is a good actor and wouldn’t have evoked that reaction in Stone.

So the Ava Gardner-canoodling producer is for sure Robert Evans—the legendary “kid stays in the picture” story is about the movie The Sun Also Rises, in which they costarred

They cut the fuck out of it.

You think that's bad? Wait until you get a load of...all of the things Sean Hannity says, intentionally, on camera.