Mullah Omar

The real Paul probably would have looked good, but he’s been dead lo these 55 years.

One thing is for sure: there will be no Marilyn Manson cameo in the reboot.

I’m waiting for the inevitable “THIS ISN’T THE REAL SNYDER CUT!” after this movie disappoints.

I wonder how soon a #RealSnyderCut campaign will start. 

My one hope for all of this: I never have to hear about the fucking Snyder Cut again. I generally try not to yuck other people’s yum. I get that Snyder’s style is not appealing to me and that’s fine. Enjoy what you enjoy.

But damnit I am tired of hearing about this fucking thing.

There’s a reason for which Sellers delivered most of his best work with Blake Edwards and Stanley Kubrick.


Well you know what ol’ Jack Burton always says...

And just where US 1's comic ended. The whole series is really bizarre. Like in issue 4 US has to race against a zeppelin piloted by a dude who cosplays as an Imperial German Officer named Baron von Blimp while hauling a cargo of chickens.

What the hell was up with America’s obsession with truckers in the late 70s/early 80s, anyway?

I was amazed Britain let him back in.

This movie was solidly good until the end credits, at which point it rapidly transcended every other comedy that year

Nah, I’d say you’re more like the Dukes condescendingly explaining to Valentine what ‘bacon’ is.

Wow, you must be a blast at parties.

Yeah, I feel like this isn’t even a difference in tastes at this point. This piece is just wrong, objectively wrong. I know that’s a common sentiment on the internet, but I have to call ‘em like I see ‘em.

Jesse Hassenger, the author of this article, seems like one of those guys that likes to say contrarian shit, not because it offers some great counter-point, but because he just likes being an ass.

I never really thought Beverly Hills Cop was all that great, but Trading Places rules. Ackroyd proves that he’s a GOAT straight man, Murphy is on fire, Jamie Lee Curtis is a supernova, And Don Ameche, Denholm Elliot & Ralph Bellamy show that they can still hang with a younger generation of comedic actors. The plot is

There is so much wrong with this article. Trading Places is a hilarious classic. Beverly Hills Cop is a hilarious classic, and Eddie Murphy had maybe three great performances ahead of him.

Yeaaaaah. And I’m super glad it didn’t involve any of that. It would have distracted from what the show was actually about. 

I tried to stay spoiler-free and away from most of the speculation and I think it paid off for me. The fans who have whipped themselves into a frenzy because the final 10 minutes wasn’t a bunch of cameos for people whose names aren’t anywhere in the title of the show seem to be taking it pretty hard.

I had been asking myself the same thing, but it actually makes sense now. If someone were going to call the Avengers, it’d be Haywood. I kept asking, if there’s magic shit going on, why not immediately call Dr. Strange? If there’s an issue with Vision, why not call Bruce Banner, the co-creator of Vision who’s still