Mullah Omar

It might get tiring to talk about what MCU did right vs. what DCEU did wrong, but fuck it, here goes.


noting of his mangling of the names of Ilhan Oman”

I’m not loving the new Dave. He seems a little too self righteous, too full of himself, too in love with his own pontifications. Some of all that is a good thing but I think he’s laying in on a bit thick now and it’s cutting into his comedy.

They don’t even understand what their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was all about. Do we really not expect them to screw up interpreting Sci-Fi as well?

I’m trying to come up with two age appropriate large hams who could replicate the insanity of what Cage and Travolta did in that movie and I’m coming up blank.

She’d have the same physical presence as Carano and there’s no way her acting could be worse.

...I have some bad news

Hollywood has always stuck to 4-5 of the same “hot” leading actors of their time for a few years before finding a new batch, and has always been about money over art.

More room for Carl Weathers, I say!

Ms. Carano’s publicist claims she just made the virulently anti-Semitic posts to “Appeal to Walt.”  At press time, Mr. Disney has been dead for over five decades.

Have to give her credit. She was likely going to be a lead on Rangers show and she said “nope, those millions in Star Wars bucks once include toys and the like are not as important as my need to spread my fear and hate on social media.” That is truly putting money where your mouth is.

Her planet needs her. She has to go now.

It’s worth mentioning that they did this way back in November, they just only said she was no longer affiliated with them because she couldn’t stop being an asshole.

Still my favorite GoT meme

She just gets better and better in Angel, and then her whole character arc  gets trashed.

At this point, I’m down for whatever the MCU wants to serve up.  I’ve never not been entertained.

Being old is weird. Today, Snoop is a worldwide celebrity, a bon vivant able to integrate himself into pretty much any scene. Everyone loves him.

I honestly think it’s not a matter of roles here. I don’t think Fishburne would have had the same impact as Jackson in Pulp and Die Hard. And I think Jackson would have been more striking (too striking?) in Matrix.

It seems unlikely to me that anyone normal and sane would date/marry Marilyn Manson.