Mullah Omar

They also have a habit of filming scenes while working on other projects and inserting them in other movies. This was why Gwyneth Paltrow “didn’t know” she was in Spider-Man - they filmed her scenes while she was filming something else.

I kinda like the Victorian/Steampunk bit, I’d just like for it to be done well. Which, so far, not so much. 

Have you stopped asking for a question for the next interviewee? I mean, fair enough, because most of them were a bit shit, but NPH could probably have come up with a decent one.

Also, Ernest Dickerson directed motherfucking Demon Knight, which is a terrific movie by any metric and has one of those great mid-90s casts. Jada Pinkett! CCH Pounder! Thomas Hayden Church! Billy Zane!

Yeah it is a killer cast. Thoroughly enjoyable film. My older brother was a manager at our local theater, so I saw a lot of movies for free, including this one. Nothing helps your popularity level at high school like an older sibling that can score you free seats at the movies. 

This and Trespass were the pinnacle of early 90s action remakes of genre stuff starring rappers named Ice.

It was definitely a perfect video store weekend rental. Action. Quips. Explosions. Fun little flick.

This is a great choice. Not a groundbreaking movie, but a tight entertaining 90 minutes that delivers exactly what it says on the box and a cast with no weak members.

If you read any deeper coverage from when he was initially diagnosed, you’ll see he had some symptoms but was sadly afraid to have it checked out.  So sad.

While cancer can certainly move fast, I do wonder if this is also a symptom of folks putting off routine medical checks throughout 2020 because of the pandemic. News coverage said he felt body ache and “general unease” at the beginning of the year and that’s what sent him in. Wonder if he was supposed to have an exam

He did, it’s called Rise of Skywalker.

At this point, the Snyder Cut can only improve upon the first film’s extremely rocky legacy.

That article was kind of nonsense though.

Don’t bother getting Harrison Ford; Just have Mark Hamill voice Han.

I think it’s more that Filoni and Favreau just have a better feel for the material than the people involved in the sequel trilogy did.

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Use the animated medium to have Luke go on adventures with Wedge and Lando and (if they find a big enough money truck to get Harrison Ford) Han Solo.

agreed, Stewart and Pattinson pump out some legit good work. 

I’ve been enjoying how the two main stars of Twilight - which, let’s be honest, was a charisma black hole of a franchise, even if the actors are otherwise great - are going hard into interesting and weird directions. I wish more actors who were basically set for life would just take the most interesting projects they

Alejandro Innaritu made Birdman as a comedy because he was well aware that as a drama, it would come off as the most insufferably pretentious and self-righteous movie ever made. It seems this is that movie.