Mullah Omar

Having fell in love with Fellowship when it was released (and, having started work at a cinema, getting to see it and The Two Towers many times each), I can’t remember being more excited for a film than this one – or having a more emotional reaction to one. From “I can’t carry it for you” onwards I seemed to remember

It’s very easy to look down one’s nose at influencers, to call it lazy and “not a job.” But having a friend who’s a small-time outdoor influencer and has had to stop every hundred yards on a trail to get pictures of canned wine, listened to hours of griping about The Algorithm pushing posts to the bottom, just how

I think the actual reason is that Jim Henson is dead. Brian Henson did...okay with the movies he made. I think the new stuff is just trying too hard and clearly missing the creative spark Jim had.

Awesome. I love the way Nebula has developed as a character, and want to see that continued as much as possible. Assuming Guardians 3 has a lot of “Search for Gamora” vibes, some more Nebula in this movie presumably will aid that.

Oh hell yes.

Good, she and Michael Rooker were the best things about Guardians 2. Well, except for Kurt Russell’s flashback hair. That was glorious.

I think the kids locked in cages and the people who lost family to Covid found it pretty fucking meaningful. He also undermined our elections and attempted to overthrow the government, which to quote Joe Biden is “A Big Fucking Deal”. I could go on but I’m sick of the fucker. Do not minimize the fucker, shit was not

The tone of the article seems to imply that Ahmed scorned the opportunity to continue appearing in those plebeian blockbusters, but going to the THR article, he seems to be showing a much more laid-back attitude, simply noting (as quoted here) that his Venom character was killed off and that he hasn’t heard anything

Ahmed himself points out that it wouldn’t exactly be logical for his character to return in the Venom sequel (“It’s pretty conclusive. Dude got blown up in a spaceship”)

The only version of Matt Damon that matters. 


Holy hell, this might be the ultimate “can you separate the art from the artist” litmus test. Unfathomably amazing talent, unfathomably awful person.

And he was wearing such a perfect disguise...

i.e., a cancer that has metastasized to multiple areas of the patient’s body.

Its not really an if he survives prognosis, its more a keep him out of pain until he passes.

I’m sure the director is heartbroken that he won’t get to benefit from Fisher’s never-ending stream of unsolicited script revisions, all of which coincidentally happen to give Fisher more screen time.

Man who says he hates leadership of company he worked for is no longer working for company. In other news,  Water! Is it wet?

Could have been said about the last couple years of Tom Baker’s run as well.

Teen Wolf.

Wolfman to Arresting Officer: Ah-wooooooooooooooo!