Mullah Omar

He [Larry King] also helms the weekly political talk show Politicking With Larry David...”

Doom was a mystery, in life and death.

We crossed that threshold back in October.

It’s just the flu, Doc!

That seems like the most likey explanation. Hamada casually waving off the Snyder cut literally days before Fisher went into attack mode is something even a child should see.

My theory...Snyder made a whole bunch of huge claims about JL being his big breakout role and how it would change his life and make him an A-List STAR, and told the press over and over that Cyborg was the “heart” of the movie. Then...Snyder left, and Joss was brought in to hack something together in a matter of months

So is Scarlett Johansson.

The other day, I read an article linked to by this site written by former Heroes actor by Leonard Roberts. It was thoughtful, detailed, and had examples of things we could see on-screen.

If this was coming from an actor with a long history it would be more relevant. Ray Fisher appears to have only done Justice League and a few episodes of True Detective. Justice league was basically his first job in Hollywood. I can’t imagine DC or WB give a shit about him one way or the other. If anything this will

Mass Effect 2 is a prime example of games that are more about the sum of their parts than their strictly linear main story. Yes, on paper, “Sidequests The Game” does sound really boring...but in practice, if those sidequests are really good, the effect is reversed. The meat of ME2 is spending time with your party

I’m with you on the final boss from ME2 being weaksauce, but otherwise I think the game is amazing, from the new characters that are introduced, deepening your connections with them through loyalty missions, the introduction of The Illusive Man and expanding the role of Cerberus, the looming threat of the Collectors

This isn’t good to say but if Wonder Woman was in theaters I definitely would have seen it, but now I haven’t gotten around to it.

“Trump condemns capitalism, Republican party grits its teeth but goes along with it, film at 11.”

This actually gets at the entire sick tragedy of the Trump presidency — MAGAworld has no particular interest in governing the country; they want to dominate the country’s culture in a way that’s not possible for a demographic that’s in irreversible economic and population decline. They seem to have thought that

More or less this was my first reaction.

Its funny how Melania came to the US to work as a ‘model’ but none of her modeling shots from her career have ever surfaced. With the exception of a few that look more like promotional photos for a call girl service.

Maybe the magazines were in doubt about her immigration status and didn’t want to accidentally employ her illegally. She’s had problems with that in the past.

...some calling Melania Trump “All the things they wish they could be,”

This was a good Twitter response.