Mullah Omar

Clapton would never let a bag of blow fall out a window?

Can’t the Oasis guys go back to being our favorite British pricks?

So that actually was Hamill de-aged? I just figured they digitally painted his face on to a stunt double.

The fuck!?!

The Best: The USO sketch

Yes, but it was quite a while ago.

Al Franken impersonating a Senator talking about sexually harassing someone. Wow

No, the question is : who should impersonate him ?

What did that orangutan do to deserve that?

It was partly on Baldwin, partly in the writing. They never seemed to get a handle in just how insane Trump was in every respect. Baldwin played him more like a NY blowhard (which he is) but didn’t really go near his sociopathy, his delusional view of the world, and his obvious senility. His Trump wasn’t nearly as bad

Saying stuff like this makes Weinstein’s actions seem not as bad.

I mean I get that that’s mostly a joke, but while I am OK with both men being called scumbags, I think it remains important not to damn everyone at the same level.  If Joss was a scumbag on a Weinstein level, we would have heard about it (in the current metoo culture) by now.

I wasn’t the biggest fan of the The Witcher 3, but I still kind of feel for CDPR. There’s a degree to which I think disappointment was inevitable; success of Witcher 3 set sky-high expectations for the developer, and it’s such a hugely ambitious project. They’ve had to push back release a half dozen times, and even

I hope his agent is better about going over the script with him and highlighting that it’s about the women of the movement and that he’s not one of the primary characters.

I sure hope they don’t cut his screen time in post when they realize the other characters are more important to telling the story.

Look, I know falling to the Dark Side is bad for the skin but holy shit, bruh, get some sun!

How about a Lizzie Borden show instead? People have been axing for it.

More like CyberPunk’d amirite?

Only if you can a sketchy bootleg copy full of virus’s that actually kill you sold by a guy in a back alleys next to a neon porn store 

What do they have to apologize for? Nothing is more cyberpunk than overpriced, glitchy software.