Mullah Omar

There was some hand-wringing about a holiday shopping ad last season as it mentioned Macy’s. Streeter Seidell co-wrote that (and this one) and said there was no deal. Others replied that even if there was no deal he knew of, NBC might have gotten some take, and so on. I don’t know. I did feel the product placement

In all sincerity, R.I.P. John Le Carre. I can't resist posting this though.

I just don’t see Lexus doing any type of product integration that openly mocks someone not knowing what APR (also, how common is 0%) is and thinking that $3999 is how much the car costs (i wish they would just say a nice, round number), and the overall “this is really not a great idea for a present” tone of the

Really? I saw it as an ad to beware of Lexus drivers.

Gary Oldman deserves to be an Oscar winner but he absolutely deserved that title for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy rather than Darkest Hour. While it seems appropriate - given some of his more famous roles - that he won for one where he got all shouty and bombastic, his quiet, layered and nuanced turn as Smiley was

You magnificent bastard...

I agree. I don’t think Lexus would pay for that spot, or even give Lorne the use of a car for a year for that.

I don’t think this one show proves he’s funny enough to be a defacto cast member yet—like Timberlake, Hamm, McCarthy or Baldwin—but he was definitely funny enough to get an invite back.

I liked Chalamet’s Harry Styles. It reminded me of the way Dan Ackroyd did the bare minimum to achieve his Jimmy Carter impression.

I loved it because I hate the commercial and makes it seem normal that a family can just go and buy a bunch of cars at once and it played in that idea. Not to mention that no parent in a family should just go out and buy a car without checking with the other one first. The wife would have the exact same reaction in

I really, really didn’t see it as product at all. 

Am I the only one who had zero idea that Timothee Chalamet was American?  

I disagree with the review (though it reads a bit harsher than the actual letter grade). I found this episode to be the most enjoyable episode of the season from beginning to end so I’d probably say this was an A-. The show started out strong without a “bad” or bland sketch in the bunch. The Rona sketch didn’t have

Also, they already have a perfectly good Cyborg in the cast of Doom Patrol. I don’t know that Fisher understands just how inessential he is to Warners.

?uestlove slapping Chalamet & Davidson’s TikTok rappers was on par with Bob Barker using Adam Sandler’s face as a punching bag in Happy Gilmore. It’s OK to admit it folks, we’ve all wanted to do that to both of them for quite some time.

You might be done with Trump, but believe me, he’s not done with us. Personally, I’m still holding out hope that he’ll have to be physically escorted out of the White House once the time comes.

I liked this episode, although a part of me liked it more for what it wasn’t than what it was. The cold open being trimmed in half meant the show did not feel bogged down and they were able to get more material in. They also managed to use almost all of their cast (those who were actually there - Aidy, Chris and Kenan

Unfortunately, this is a scene from an ER administering the vaccine in London:

It’s going to be nice to see Fauci able to do his job without having to placate a crazy mobster.