Mullah Omar

the sooner we learn that we are the community manager of ourselves, the better

An icon.

The last few months for Rudy Giuliani:

Gunn had long since apologized for those tweets back in 2014. 

You know who else is just asking questions? The scientists who conduct rigorous studies on the safety and efficacy of vaccines before approving them!

Just asking questions, but ignoring the answers.

She’ll probably be replaced. Is Donna Cheadle available?

This is why I only ever comment anonymously.

No, that was Lord of the Cock Rings, The Two Titties, and Return of the Kink.

Thinking Eleanor Bishop will be Madam Masque in this

I bet Eleanor Bishop turns out to be Madame Masque in this adaptation

You’re not doing his King Arthur movie any justice either. That was wretched too!

And Danny Glover is Crispin’s dad. It comes full circle!!

A pop singer wearing provocative clothing? What an incredibly novel concept that’s definitely never been done before!

Nice! Looking forward to this. I love him. What do you think the chances of him doing a Random Roles would be? My guess is, not good. 

Weird how many famous actors there are named Glover who aren’t related.

Reliably weird dude.

Daredevil was a much better show, but in a weird way I’d almost want more Iron Fist/Daughters of the Dragon. Iron Fist ended just when it was picking up steam, and Alice Eve was really excellent as Typhoid Mary. I want to see where they would have gone in the next season. 

He was funny and super-loose when he dropped in to Luke Cage. It felt like what we had gotten if Finn Jones had more time to rehearse and the writers been more relaxed and witty.