Mullah Omar

I don’t know if that’s a thing in England. Bank Holiday of the Daleks, on the other hand...

Mads cash, yo. 

Yeah. It feels like this person never left his house, because there’s a Walmart I can see right from my bedroom window. Now, if they had mentioned K-Mart being nonexistent, then I would consider them to be a normal human being.

Yeah. It feels like this person never left his house, because there’s a Walmart I can see right from my bedroom

I mean those are all cash grab roles but none are exactly carrying baggage (apart from the Whitewashing controversy on Dr Strange).

Now Walmart is back to remind you it exists”

Now Walmart is back to remind you it exists”

Do you think less of him because of this, or do you just assume other people will?


More uproarious still is the segment cut out of Amazon Women on the Moon (because John Landis didn’t think it was funny) in which ventriloquist Dick Miller, returning from a European convention, finds there’s been a luggage mix-up and he’s got the wrong dummy - one that only speaks French. It’s a great premise

That’s a young and vulnerable age to be exposed to the horror of George Harrison. 

the whole story hinges on, is how ViacomCBS controls Chappelle’s Show now and doesn’t have to give him any part of it because of a contract he signed before he left the show.

I love this whole thing and have been following the story. Props to Dave Grohl for graciously doing this, but I have to wonder if he’s asking himself when this will end because it keeps going and going and I imagine the guy has a ton of things to do.

I actually did not know that this existed...huh.

This is probably a controversial take, but...OG Game Boy (The Brick). Don’t get me wrong, I probably used mine for literally thousands of hours over countless replays of Pokemon Blue, Yellow, and Gold, but beyond that series and Link’s Awakening, worthwhile games were surprisingly few and far between for a system that

So something like this then.

This combines two of my favorite things, ass-kicking Amazon babes and not leaving my house.

skirted by on the novelty of a female superhero

Hey James, the Tie Reaper (support class) has shields as well, actually.

Have you not played this yourself yet? It’s hard, but easily the best modern simulation Star Wars game. Most multiplayer fun I’ve had in over a decade. The VR is absolutely incredible too (though a bit unstable). 

Stem cell research saved Trump.  Guess we should have stopped it much sooner.

MJF has nothing to prove to anyone. He did his thing like a boss and that’s how he’ll be remembered.

I don’t know how the politics of Wakanda operate in the comic, but from a story/actor standpoint you’ve really got three options: