Mullah Omar

Nope. It's 1985. AD&D is the one true D&D.

When you get right down to it the Prequels are a good story told terribly and the Sequels (As a whole, I quite like TLJ.) are a terrible story told really well.

They have fragile gentle minds that react to everything by lashing out.

These are the snowflakes Fight Club was always referring to but of course they totally missed this point when watching the film.

I’ll never understand what women see in Pete Davidson. He’s certainly not talented or good looking, and by many accounts just a annoying douche...wait, I think I answered by own question.

This is the first stage of grief: foaming at the mouth insanity.

Jamie Lee Curtis and Eliza Dushku weren’t available?

And his brother Lars did the voice for Thrawn in SW: Rebels. They could have had Mads cameo as Galyn Erso so easily!

Aye, I was going to say, surely Luke Wilson is the most average man on Earth?

Jaws 3.

LFG. warner bros buy mads a house challenge!

Every Week is Werner Herzog Week.

I would 100% watch the hell out of a Prison Break with a gay Michael Scofield.

Great! Let’s get him back as Captain Cold!

It’s really this. Farrell plays Grindelwald as a seducer. The kind of person who gently and carefully gives people the specific kind of attention they want/need to gain control of them. And Depp tries to do the same, but is so theatrical about it that it’s unbelievable and off-putting.

I think Bullseye’d want to have a word with you :P

Colin Farrell was one of the few good things about this dreadful series, it’s a shame they didn’t just keep him to begin with.

He was actually quite good. I was sitting back watching and thinking, “Oh this is a fun take on a different kind of villain than Voldemort was. I’m liking this!” And then he turned into Depp and it was all ruined.

I think Chappell is hilarious but the smoking thing is affected as hell. Like, it’s 2020. I get how smoking indoors when it’s not allowed makes you a rebel but it really doesn’t telegraph cool badass.