Mullah Omar

“Just for the mercenary… Is that the right word? Just so that you would say, “Hey, everybody, watch There’s… Johnny. That’s the price I’m willing to pay: I’m giving a half-hour of my life answering silly questions talking to a very nice young woman just so that hopefully the 14 people who are aware of this would

Can’t wait for reviews citing a lack of chemistry between them.

Time to update the “Safe Negro Travel Guide” using the 2020 election results.

Apparently there was a hangup over the Snyder Cut’s distribution rights, with the Cohen estate demanding: “First it plays Manhattan, then it plays Berlin”.

WB has flushed so much money down the toilet already, they might as well throw a fee mil at his estate to get the rights to it.

If Trump has a stroke on live TV, will we even know it?

Tracy Chapman rules...and this is potentially my favorite meme.

He really shouldn’t have worn that comedy moustache either.

Not stacked enough to make up for Rupert Sanders.

“Case dismissed on account of the plaintiff doing the worst possible imitation of Michael Caine ever. NO BLOODY COCKNEY ACCENTS!!!”

I mean, this is the Right Answer. I guess we tend to hew to a good-guy/bad-guy binary, but it’s very weird seeing people take the fact that Heard injured Depp to mean a complete turn of the tables, that he’s entirely innocent.

Probably didn’t help that Depp was doing a bad English accent throughout the proceedings.

Leslie Jones was 47 when she was hired and she was great. What you’re suggesting was actually the original premise of the show, where George Coe would be the straight man the young exciting comics would play off. Darrell Hammond was the same vibe, though, and he worked. His impressions were great and that’s basically

Ah, YTMND. Gone, but not forgotten. 

From the disappointing musical (a concept Mulaney now seems handcuffed to, given his priors), to Kate’s looney lady, to the musical guest - this episode had that presumptive “everybody is fascinated by the quirks of New York” focus that has a self-indulgent and condescending in-jokiness. Are the Strokes not the

Its the perfect Irish Halloween film.  He's so charming and even sings!  And that banshee I remember scared the piss out of a lot of kids.

He was always the man, dawg.

I’m seeing a lot of talk about Bond, and not a lot of talk about Zardoz.

Now playing

I assume this will have Pinhead facing off once again with his greatest foe: David Spade!