Mullah Omar

In other words, the Democrats are suggesting that this is all part of a scheme to use “hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for partisan political purposes ahead of the upcoming election, and to direct taxpayer funds to friends and allies of Trump Administration officials.” Thursday.

She made that film. I barely remember the rest of it but she was electric.

Poll after poll shows the general pubic is NOT in support of adding more justices.

I was POSITIVE they were gonna do something with the Black cast member in the fortune-teller sketch, and the fact that they didn’t means they chickened the hell out. Maybe she was still in there because she originally had a bigger part that got cut in rehearsals, but it was harder to write her out entirely.

Now playing

Is this really Billy Pumpkin or has he been supplanted by a shape-changer ally of the lizard people? I will check with all of the helpful people on the interwebs and in pizza parlor basements as soon as I finish lining the inside of my house with tin foil.

Yeah, I wasn’t super comfortable watching the sketch — especially how long it went on — but Adele totally breaking at “you can feel it in your stomach” was hilarious...

A randomly silly SNL is refreshing. Not everything needs to MEAN something. Since next week is the Halloween episode and Mulaney is hosting, that we get an even heavier dose of silliness.

It seems to me like he frequently wimps out of his most extreme threats.

Yeah it’s pretty absurd. I think people were made to believe that there was already a complete cut of the movie that worked., minus perhaps, some VFX. Snyder certainly implied as much, tweeting out a photo of some cans labeled ‘JL Directors Cut.’

Some point in the future there’s going to be a really interesting “behind the scenes” doc on what went wrong to make people keep throwing millions at this.

If it did turn out to be fine, it would Snyder’s greatest movie.

It would be beyond hilarious if he ends up milking reshoot funds out of WB for so long that the Snyder Cut ends up being a totally different movie with none of the original footage.

yah one thing that bothered me about Release the Synder cut cry was the notion, that frankly Synder leaned in to, was that there was just a complete and finished movie sitting in a can (he literally posted a picture of film cans!). Synder’s movie was always unfinished.

Yes, I think it was called Justice League (2017) and it had a budget of 300 million.

Not grimderp, er, grimdark enough.

I’m half convinced that there’s some sort of “The Producers”-style scheme going on.

Has there ever been anything that’s received this much funding and this much press that has been this stupid and pointless? 

That’s always been my take on Dave as well, and I’ve been watching him since 1985 as a kid. He is not impressed by your celebrity and will take you down several notches while somehow making you feel good about yourself. It’s crazy how the Tonight Show went from Carson/Leno/-redacted-/Fallon instead of