Mullah Omar

It’s like the band who always requested something silly, difficult to do but easily verifiable in their rider (green m n m s?). Later they said they did it because if they saw the people in charge of set up got that minor detail right, then they probably were people who paid attention to details and thus got

Then held up the money for said weapons trying to get the Ukraine to open an investigation into Hunter Biden,for which he was impeached.

eight hours in the makeup chair and the camera never even gets a non-blurry look at him, great work Boyle

Definitely Mendes, who directed the film they’re talking about.

I don’t get the feeling Letterman dislikes celebrities. I think he dislikes the stupid puffery that attaches itself to celebrity and enjoys deflating it. Even then, if he *really* hated it, he’d have stopped letting people on his show just to promote their latest movie.

Considering the Oscars is one giant circle-wank, I enjoy it when hosts like Letterman and Stewart can let some hot air out of the proceedings.

He always struck me as a deeply unhappy man with a need to perform to feel loved.  This interview is just reinforcing that.  I honestly don’t get why he would do this if he didn’t want any public introspection....

Billy Crystal had a good formula down for a while.

Yeah, half the answers basically boiled down to “I don’t care, man, this question is dumb” which, of course, that’s kinda the point of 11 Questions?

I agree...And Hell or High Water which tells me he is able to read a script, make good choices for himself AND go dark. I think the problem is many of these younger ones rely on agents/managers to make the decision. Pine can go in all directions, character-wise, with a strong sense of self. The other thing most do

We got you covered, Tom.

Something I appreciate about Pine is that unlike a lot of actors of his stature (who could arguably hold out to be the lead in fairly large movies), at the height of his career he was self-confident enough to start taking on secondary roles in films headlined by women and people of color - think of WONDER WOMAN, A

Yeah, Martin can gtfo

But he’s already 30 seconds to Mars

There is no need to care about Chris Pratt now that he is no longer Anna Faris’s husband, and that’s that on that.

We’ve definitely hit a low if your reaction to a political figure going straight from an interview to a hotel tryst with said interviewer is “if she’s legal, so what?”

Pine did an A List acting job in Hell Or High Water. I liked his Kirk. He does all kinds of roles. Pratt gives fun, hammy performances, the same stuff over and over, Andy infinitum, but so far nada on depth/range.. He and his Ex were atrocious animal owners as I recall.

A climactic encounter with another prominent Republican pushes further while still going more or less where the audience might expect, toward an incident that would constitute a front-page embarrassment five or 10 years ago.

Well you’re a republican so