Mullah Omar

He’s not the worst Chris because of his religion/beliefs.

Yes, you got us. All election news has stopped everywhere and people are only talking about Chris Pratt. The debate tomorrow will be about the candidate’s thoughts on Chris Pratt.

Wow... she really should have chosen to age gracefully and without surgical assistance. She looks like the Cowardly Lion.

Chris Evans is a big fan of Willow and Madmartigan. Maybe cast him as Madmartigan’s son or something.

So glad you posted on this 👍

One day he’s married to her, one day he’s sue-sue-suing-her.

Phil Collins’s ex-wife has commandeered his $33 million South Florida mansion

I think it’s the cheek implants that get to me. She’s not quite at Cat Lady levels of plastic surgery, but she’s getting there.

Those guys are hollywood. These guys are the real deal.

The pics of her before and after are really...  something.

Holy shit. 

I guess she really wants One More Night.

Google image search this woman, y’all. It’s a journey

Now playing

Found some footage of two of the guards prepping for the occupation

Raul Julia did Street Fighter because his children were huge fans of the game and he wanted to do something for them. They helped him prepare for the role, too, and his acting was so good in the film, he was nominated for a Saturn Award — pretty much the only award nomination the film got — and he did it all while

For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.”

I thought something different in regards to the color choice-

It’s the color, isn’t it?

You only *think* you’ve never seen a security guard in a bank . . .

I worked loss prevention at a department store for a few months. I got yelled at because someone walked out the back with a television while the kids working in electronics were chatting by the desk rather than walking around their section.