Mullah Omar

* Heidi Gardner’s Update sketch was so funny I rewatched three times before continuing with the live show. “Let me give you a son, Michael!” Killed me.

Most all the live stuff was pretty bad. The cold open was dreadful, but that’s pretty much standard for years now so there’s not much to say about it. SNL, somewhere over the last 10 (maybe 15?) years completely lost the ability to topical comedy of an event that happened that week. They’d be better off finding new

The Jack Flatts sketch was bizarre. Like they wanted to address the kidnapping and awkwardly shoehorned it into one of their “let’s make fun of losers in the midwest!” sketches. The only funny part was the new girl as the waitress. Everything else was characters without a joke or a punchline. Unless you think “chain

I’m pretty sure the Mr. Rogers bit was a reference to the White House asshole who tried to insult Biden by saying he was like Mr. Rogers, which of course backfired spectacularly.

Oh and f you che. Enough of this bs both candidates suck. Your grandma died of COVID for God's sakes. 

It is pretty messed up to see Carey’s Biden impression driven more by how Biden has been portrayed by the Trump campaign than by observations drawn from objective reality.

I’ll say that my Quebecoise wife found Bonjour Hi very funny.

  • I’m pretty sure the lemur was Timothee Chalamet.

Everything I’ve read about the show sounds awful on the one hand, but on the other, Plaicki would’ve been perfect for the part and I’m bummed we didn’t get to see her do it.

Read this: Adrianne Palicki looks back...” 

Right. At least two things have to be true for this negotiation to be worth it:

1.) Ice Cube has something the Trump administration wants going forward, other than good publicity before the election.

2.) The Trump administration can be trusted to keep its promises and is acting in good faith.

The best description I ever read (an AV Club comment) of Don Jr. is that he looks like the villain of a movie in which the hero is a Golden Retriever.

I think it’s more of the point that the mainstream media has enabled Trump this whole entire time and giving him more space to spew his gibberish is not good for anyone in general.

I think that might have been a valid argument generously two weeks into the presidency when people weren’t yet quite sure if Trump was all talk or if he was going to attempt to execute all things awful.  It didn’t take long to see that Trump doesn’t listen, doesn’t want to learn, doesn’t have a plan, and doesn’t care

I will go out on a limb here and say that Cube earnestly seems to be trying to make a positive difference, but my goodness is he a sucker if he believes one word of this horseshit.

Have you not been aware of everything the Trump administration has done and lied about in the past 4 years? This is either naive or just plain stupid. The best you'll get is a small action helping practically no one so they can use it as propaganda ultimately helping themselves more for PR. 

“Why was Ben Carson so angry?”

I was so confused until I figured out this wasn’t Allison Janney.  They should play sisters sometime.

Hell yeah. Bacon and Fred Ward made an underappreciated pair. And I particularly loved Michael Gross playing a character waaaay on the other side of Steven Keaton. Such a fun movie.

Minus five million dollars? Who does he owe it to? Did he screw up doing his taxes?