Mullah Omar

The hell?

Bill Maher gets a lot of shit here, but he is successful and has an audience, despite the “complaints on social media.” I for one like that someone on our side will take his side to task. Also, as I think I’ve said on this site before, Bill Maher was one of the first to come out against Donald Trump when he displayed

Vince Vaughn also brings the heat.”

Divorced after all these years from the first season, it’s mediocre and rushed and they didn’t know what to do with Taylor Kitsch and they should’ve gone through at least a couple more drafts.

He is not popular. Not even with his base. But we keep running crappy Democrats whose economic platform is essentially Republican Lite. Kentuckians actually like things like funding schools and unions but they don’t like abortion and love guns. So if the Democratic Party wants to win they are going to have to give

What a tired line that is. The electoral college is a national gerrymandering system built on the paper-thin notion that the number of states matters more than the number of people. It does not. It is a national election. A hundred people here equals a hundred people there.

As we all know having the few speak for the majority is the cornerstone of democracy. 

Yet, instead, its the other way around now. And not only that, its made the popular vote pointless.

They’re all like ugly, reverse Lannisters: they’re broke and they never pay their debts.

I hope he just shuts it down with “Hunter isn’t running for President”. He certainly has the moral high ground if they want to compare their children, but it’s all a distraction that needs to be shut down immediately so Biden can focus on all of the things that Trump is guilty of.

Hopefully, the fallout from this investigation hits Ivanka hard enough that she will go to prison. See also - Brothers Trump(not including Barron)

I hope that the fallout from this investigation hits Ivanka hard enough that she will never be able to run for public office.  Sam with her brothers.  They’ll probably always be grifters, but they should all be prevented from holding public office.

I disagree. John’s right in his approach because too many people think that they can just vote this type of institutional corruption out and be done with it. It’s been there no matter what party was voted for... It’s not going to end with the election of Joe Biden and it damn sure ain’t ending under another Trump

There is no legitimacy to the Supreme Court anymore. That ship has sailed. Then it was set on fire. Then it sank. The idea that somehow, if Democrats just keep playing by the rules then golly good gosh the legitimacy of the institution will somehow remain untarnished because only one side blocks appointments by their

Call it the Clarence Thomas model.

Republicans haven’t “played by the rules” for years, and peoples’ lives have been hurt by it. In the last decade, they gerrymandered to no end, reduced the power of incoming Democratic governors and transferred those powers to the still Republican legislature when their gubernatorial candidate didn’t win, closed

Dems should pack SCOTUS with so many judges, we’ll have to play “Where’s Waldo” to find the conservative ones...

Almost everyone who suggests we should lose weight, exercise, eat better, or take vitamins to help prevent the worst effects of the virus gets attacked by left leaning media. This man is rich and owns an expensive grocery chain so he is wrong. As a nurse I have yet to treat a marathon runner for amputation related to