Mullah Omar

Emma Stone is waiting by her phone.

Who in the world needs two million dollars a month? That’s just crazy talk.

It’s a shame Scarlett Johansson is already in the MCU, I think she could do great things with this role.

My wife got my first name in the divorce, too.

Jason Bateman: “I won!”

This’ll distract the commoners from Prince Andrew!

What a rare misstep for the British Empire to honor a terrible man.

Yep. I was against court packing, but if they push through a Trump nominee in these circumstances after the Garland hijacking, pack the fuck away.

I’ve been screaming about this for the last year. I loved RBG. She was the best justice on the court in a generation, but her stubbornness and pride have put us in this horrific situation. There was no shortage of Op-Eds in 2009-2014, plus god only knows how many people behind the scenes urging her to retire while

Collins is a sure no. Murkowski, Gardner and Romney are possible nos. McSally will probably figure she’s toast either way and vote yes. Tillis...I don’t know. Possible no there.

If Trump were smart he would not nominate anyone. What better way to light a fire under conservative’s asses and conservative leaning fence sitters to get them out to vote? If he seats someone and the Senate follows through, it will supercharge Democrat voters.

They can’t do anything. A Democratic Senate and a Democratic President can increase the size of the court though. Expect to see Democrats start screaming that if they do this, they will increase the court size to 15.

Simple: if they fill the seat and Democrats win the Senate back in November, they change the size of the court to 11 the instant Biden is sworn in. If Republicans are going to be this venal, that needs to be the threat.

Too bad they won’t do it.

lol that is spot-on

I’d be happy about it if it was just Republican donors being fleeced but he’s spent the last four years doing pretty much the same thing to taxpayers by charging us all for his MANY stays at Trump properties, which money goes directly back into his own pocket.

I thought Rogan was on an all-meat diet. Lately he’s looking like Commander Strax.

same thing with Ohio Gov Mike Dewine. I’m still never going to vote for him because of disagreements we have on social and economic policy. He’s going to cruise to re-election though for treating Covid-19 seriously. There isn’t a centrist or swing voter in the state that’s going to vote against him in 2 years.

All he had to do was listen to the experts he had around him and not act like a narcissistic clown. Even the bare minimum would probably have saved him.”

oh yeah, the debates will be a shitshow; they are Trump’s last chance to make up any ground so he will “follow his gut” and stick to what he knows best—name-calling, lying, deflecting, gaslighting, fabricating more white nationalist “policies” out of thin air that appeal to his shitty base and no one else—and that

Assuming Trump and Barr don’t steal the election, I’m increasingly convinced that future political scientists will study 2020 as a case study for how to shoot yourself in the foot.