Mullah Omar

Anyway, it’s been two weeks, COVID symptoms reportedly tend to last two weeks ...

Or the Netflix series, in which Matt Murdoch is an avocado.


Jodorowsky might want to watch Blade Runner 2049 as Villeneuve sure as shit didn’t try to make a “commercial” film.

It feels like an insult to the show’s cast. I heard a comedian musing on a podcast recently, “Imaging dedicating your entire career to getting on SNL - a show where they specifically make you do a political impression as part of your audition - and then after you book it, you get the honor of playing straightman to

A guy famous for talking out of his ass. He probably should have been playing Trump this whole time instead.

I’m sure they’d hate to have Jim Carrey on SNL for four years straight. 

I was disappointed by the lack of frog exploding in the new Dune trailer but that’s Hollywood for you—money, money, money.

Starring the subject himself, who proves to be so game and in on the joke that he actually takes the internet by storm, bringing on...

Snyder’s Watchmen is actually an example of someone who clearly knows and loves the source material, but is too dumb to understand it. 

*treatment floats around entertainment industry for TV show about comically inept, oblivious nobleman-turned-pirate*

I bet.  I'm imagining this as something like Jojo Rabbit.  Darkly sarcastic with some heavy moments.  Because as much a dumbass Bonnet was, his death was rough.  Dragged to the gallows kicking, screaming and crying.  For a wife he hadn't seen in three years, for a child he'd never known.  Despite some in the crowd

There was a movement to pardon him because he wasn’t a violent pirate like Edward Low or Charles Vane. He only killed anyone during his final battle. Oddly similar to Blackbeard. Also his parents died when he was young. There is shades of comedy and tragedy that Taika can easily use to his advantage. Also he looks

That is awesome history, thanks friend. I can see why Taika would be interested in that story, as it seems right in his wheelhouse for adventure, farce, shades of darkness, and a pitiable “hero” that may have just been misunderstood. This sounds like it’ll be a great show.

As someone who has studied piracy extensively, Stede Bonnet is the most pathetic pirate.  He was a rich plantation owner from Barbados who I guess got bored with life and tried to become a pirate.  On his first voyage he attacked a Man o War with a sloop, akin to a destroyer fighting a battleship.  He lost and nearly

Did you watch the first season?..........

Not that they would necessarily shy away from bringing characters back from the dead, but since Herzog’s character was killed last season, it’s not really that surprising.

I agree. Look, I’m a 46 year old American male; I love the movies (except the prequels). I grew up loving Star Wars. But it’s lifestyle. There are plot holes, there is hokey writing at times...who cares? It’s sci fi fun.  People need to get some perspective. 

Fun fact though: the lead writer of Outer Wilds also wrote for this DLC

America continues to influence the world through soft power