Mullah Omar

Dear God I hope that’s about a superhero squid. At least a dancing squid.

First, people should stop making biopics about themselves.

Well yeah, I think we all did. It made $262 million dollars. But then some people liked it so much that it became irritating hearing the same few lines over and over again.

I know they say don’t judge a book by it’s cover but Eric Trump is nothing but cover. And it just says “duuuuuuuuuuuuuuur my daddy is rich“ in all caps.

That’s what makes his “deep dive” into search engine conspiracies so entertaining. he’s not a doddering senior citizen shouting “WHATS A GOOGLE” but just a seemingly regular person who is extremely dumb going to weird lengths to try to prove that... Google doesn’t match his definition of what a mob is?

Yea also Eric is the 2nd favorite? I feel like hes fighting for last place with tiffany and unnamed trump who they lock in a cellar.

I think the OT had them attack Luke because he was invading their turf.

That’s taken, I thought, almost directly from John Jackson Miller’s Kenobi book (which is fantastic, btw)...

For all I hear there’s a hell of a lot of fraternizing, partying and banging going on in these bubbles.... they may be separated from the outside but petri dishes on the inside...

For this to work I think they would have to get athletes in the bubble sooner then later.  Like early spring next year. It could work and if anywhere could pull of the logistics of it, I would trust Japan to do it.  

On the other hand, the pro leagues are about 300 or so athletes, compared to the Olympics which is in five figures. It wold really take bubbles within bubbles to have any sense of safety, such as keeping all track athletes near the track stadium; keeping all water polo players together near the pool, etc.

Actually, Crash Bongload: Shitkicker Ph.D. debuts on SyFy’s TZGZ block next week.

I knew Crash Bongload: Shitkicker Ph.D. was fake I still had to google it to make sure.

To be fair, the pilot for Crash Bongload: Shitkicker Ph.D. showed a lot of promise.

Narrowly missing their “six-ish years” deadline for the next season, Adult Swim unfortunately had no choice but to cancel them and replace them with a show drawn in crayon about a talking blunt who rides a motorcycle made of turds

so... season 8 coming soon to Netflix?

After 17 years and featuring some of the most ambitious and aspirational storytelling in animation, AS isn’t going to give them at least a 4-episode wrap up? Not even a courtesy season?

I get that Adult Swim is a low budget network, but it baffles me that the shows creators have so little insight as to whether their shows will have another season or not — especially the shows that have run for more than a couple seasons.

This is the kind of behavior that high school and community theater people pull when they don’t get the starring role they want. It’s astounding to think that anybody could think this strategy would work for a young performer in his first major role, especially given Hollywood’s 100+ year history of exiling (both

What actual claims has Fisher made?”