Mullah Omar

I wonder if this dude has a manager.  He could probably use one (or a new one).

Yeah, I’m not sure really what gymnastics are going on in his head to make him think “look, here’s me admitting that I refused to talk to the investigator I asked for!” is making him look better.

I think Momoa has been consistently friendly to/supportive of his JL castmates on social media, and all the JL cast have been supportive of Snyder and his Snyder Cut idea. Not sure if that means they all hang out together or anything. In any case, if I was agent for any of the others, particularly the ones who have a

First real movie and by the looks of it, last real movie. 

Boy, I certainly can’t think of another industry that’s as famously warm and forgiving about difficult people who badmouth their colleagues as Hollywood.

Man, I thought Cyborg was supposed to be highly intelligent.

I think the irony of of this is that he’s probably damaged his own reputation in Hollywood so badly with this fiasco, not even Snyder will work with him at this point because he has his Justice League with WB and Army of the Dead with Netflix and associating with Fisher will put those projects in jeopardy.

Yeah, I’m not gonna lie. this explains why he’s been so hesitant to specify what Whedon did. Not to say Whedon isn’t an asshole and a piece of shit in regards to his personal life, but Fisher’s accusations look really flimsy if you refuse to meet with the third party investigator he wholeheartedly approved of.

This is turning out as predicted. Fisher’s lack of specifics tended to lean to this being a simple boss vs employee type disagreement rather then anything nefarious despite his use of terminology. He figured what he wanted, I am the star here!, should take precedence and pretty much no one agrees with that.

Maybe OAN will start an airline for her.

I’m kinda a Delta loyalist, but honestly, it IS easier when you’re the industry leader. You can set the rules, right or wrong. Perhaps a decent comparison is Nike, a behemoth among the sports retail universe. If they promote fair work practices (they claim to), then it becomes a de facto standard. So kudos to Delta

At least she’ll really have something to be angry about now... ;-)

Wow, that trailer for The Naked Man sure is something.

Robert Pattinson catching Covid is the funniest possible way to end Robert Pattinson Week at the AVClub.

it worked out amazingly for The Rock.

or was it his nemesis The Pangolin?>>>tune in next week, same bat cough, same cough coughcoougghcoughthump

Look, Dredd was great. Totally underrated, deserved a sequel, had shit marketing. But maaayyyybbbbeeeeee right now’s not the time for another story about a cop who’s judge, jury, and executioner all in one? Because I get to see that on Twitter every day.

Hell, in Dual of the Fates, Finn actually has his own subplot surrounding organizing starting an uprising of former stormtroopers on Corascant. Abrams pretty much scrapped all of it for Finn shouting Rey;s name and having him needing to tell Rey something that he never bothers to tell her in the film.

He’s got me when he says they didn’t know how to handle characters of color. I mean, Finn ultimately has no fucking character arc whatsoever. But he loses me when he criticizes TLJ and Rian Johnson while defending Abrams. Because Abrams, by being in charge of the beginning and end is ultimately responsible for the