
justified their curfew and presence due to looting and rioting, the very sort of petty crime

car wear/depreciation/gas

Nice ... could still be a bit lower & longer in my opinion ;-)

Hmmm ... overall good styling cues ... would be better if it was a little bit longer and a fair bit lower ... take about 3 inches of height out of the body and another 2 out of the greenhouse then the proportions would be just about poifect.

I freely admit there actually are plenty of ‘good guys’ in the ranks, but there is a real problem with the old guard keeping up the ‘thin blue line’ and/or ‘blue wall of silence’ type cultural garbage. This makes it so the ‘good guys’ either cannot, or simply won’t, take direct action to counteract the handful of bad

That’s a fair point, but then again when the Model S was first announced, it was touted as costing $56k (a friend of mine pre-ordered one the minute it was humanly possible ... he did not get it at 56k) ... and then there’s the $35k Model 3 that came out at around $70k ... so saying “it costs this much” before it’s

if you can’t measure what you manage, then just manage what you *can* measure!

For 2017 models, IIHS reported 36 deaths per million registration years

Lol ... I’ve known cops, and too many tend to be bullies and assholes that glorify violence against “clueless civilians” because said civilians arescumbags” in their twisted cop view of the world.

Please define “the last pandemic”.

It’s amazing the vast majority of cops cope as well as they do, considering what they deal with every day.

There’s nothing intuitive about pedaling to make an engine go faster. Calling that “intuitive” is like saying just because you rode in a pedal car as a child you’d find it somehow “normal” to pedal your VW Golf or whatever.

At some point Corona will become part of the normal background level of deaths like the flu. Then things will return to “normal”, whatever that is. Once all the vulnerable people die off or they have an effective vaccine, we’ll just move on.

I think that clarity isn’t the issue.

Mask wearing should not be political. Yet here we are

even in a private office,

If the gas prices don’t come up, this thing is DOA

f*#k me to tears ... I wrote Land Rover when I meant Land Cruiser ... and only one person pointed out the discrepancy which is amazing. Thank you and I’m sorry. Anyways ... story remains the same, just mentally transpose Cruiser into anywhere up thar I said Rover.

it’s nearly impossible to be completely original in this day and age, but... at least try right?

You realize that the mask doesn’t really do anything other than prevent you from touching your own face, right. Unless it is one of those heavy duty masks, they do practically nothing.