workers aren’t actually entitled to profit sharing
workers aren’t actually entitled to profit sharing
ignore this post
Let’s face it, $22k is still too much. You can get a gas powered naked bike with similar HP for about $10k or so, so unless you bathe in money, $22k is a lot.
Any new Opels would presumably be imported as Dodges or Chryslers, which you alluded to earlier in the article so brining up Buick is odd.
I daresay, that ‘shooped Hercules nose is far far WAY hella better looking than the actual Nissan.
That is fast becoming old, the new method, and the only method we can produce at scale, is using electrolysis in nuclear plants, which is perfectly green.
Less than 10k only if that’s a scale model, and not even a remote control one at that.
with both components sharing their lube like a pair of randy lovers
2. All I hear is shit about HD.
Someone put the Supra in the wrong slide show ... it’s supposed to be in the ‘top 10 OVERrated cars’ :-D
Man, I just love the PLC’s from that era ... the long hood & short trunk with the interior focused on the driver yet still big enough to fit 4, possibly 5, adults in total comfort. The only downside was (as in my Cutlass) getting 12 MPG with the typical V-8.
And people blame china for taking out a page of ye olde western colonial playbook and using it themselves lol
the EU doesn’t have the necessary capabilities or resources to fend off China right now. And we can’t get involved, because it is too close to Russia
Proper use of a parking brake could also have alleviated a lot of the problem here.
I don’t know who came first but when I see one of these generations of Caddies all I can see is a fargin Chevy Buick Pontiac ... this gen body was a dull and uninspired design and not much differentiates it visually from it’s badge engineered GM brethren. I’ll give the owner props on keeping this specific car very…
My biggest question when looking at different bikes is “can my feet touch the ground without me sliding my butt off the saddle?” ... all the other ergos are pretty much easy to figure out via eyeball. I’m short and while this website is spiffy enough it does nothing to answer my most pressing issues.
Brining together
but too short for a plane
Lord forfend us against the safety nazis. I ride a motorcycle. Millions of Americans, and billions of humans world wide ride motorcycles, motorbikes, and scooters. I can absolutely guarantee you that this Wuling Hongguang Mini EV is already “safer” than any motorcycle.