
Agreed. I LOVE being old(ish). When I think of the crap I tolerated when I was in my twenties, I could just hop in a time machine and go back and throttle my younger self. 

Man, I’d love to look like I did in my early twenties, but other than that, I’d never want to relive that age. All the insecurities that I had as a very young woman were straight-up awful, and it’s probably a million times worse when you’re in the public eye. It gets better Hailey!

Joe, Bernie...for the love of Grodd, stay out of the 2020 race. Both of you have zero chance of defeating Donald, and you’ll just embolden new waves of Bernie Bros and Joe-Joe Binkses. You had your time; now step aside and let a new wave of candidates show us what they have to offer.

New show, like Antique Roadshow, but it has to meet with Padme’s approval.

Legitimately impressed. I’ve never seen a bleach job this good in my life. That shit looks like spun gold.

After Addidon Pusha T, claimed he had way more on drake and was prepared to release way more shit, I now wonder if he was about to leverage accusations about drake and underage girls. And that was the real reason J Prince stepped in cause he knew that would lead to legal issues, and declining sales, which would mean

Obviously her being underage makes it 10 times worse, but pulling a random woman out of the crowd to kiss and fondle is creepy in general

And while 800,000 federal employees (plus many federal contractors) are not getting paid, and Trump has signed an executive order to ensure that all regular federal employees will not get a cost-of-living raise, political appointees (Cabinet members, assistant secretaries, etc) get a $10,00

Your “president” is an overly dramatic little bitch who stunts for social media.

He probably thinks that means he's into water sports and he'll take that as a compliment.

It’s one of the strangest phenomenon to know that all insults squared at Trump are perfectly apt and conversely not enough.

He’s a pissant.   

She’s loud, unafraid, a woman, and not-white. A perfect encapsulation of everything they’re scared of, and a vision of the future they’re fighting in vain against. AOC may not be perfect, but she represents all these neocons’ worst nightmares and I love her for it.

I’m not a lawyer but it seems like if ever there is someone who does NOT want to invite the discovery process into his life, it is R. Kelly.

Please go for it. Enjoy being deposed under oath!

So AOC panic is what they are going all in on? 

an incoming Republican freshman senator.” That is a hilariously rude way to describe a previous presidential nominee and your fucking uncle!

The news about the National Parks is awful.

No, you do not look like Ariana Grande

Difficult to know since the letter doesn’t address it, but I’m very curious about how UNSAFE’s partner reacted to this happening to them. As the kinky person into this scene, I’d think it was partner’s responsibility to make sure any party they took UNSAFE to conformed to the rules of conduct they’d explained to