
The other reason I hate it is because children cannot consent. It’s the parent’s responsibility to do so. But...something like an online presence? Oh hell no. You’re consenting to create and build your child’s online presence before the kid is out of diapers. By the time he’s 14 or whatever, WTF is that going to look

Spoiler- The Obama home does not have a 10 ft wall surrounding it.

It should be noted that Louis CK specifically objected to letting the Parkland survivors testify in front of Congress. Well, the only one who got the chance to do so was Aalayah Eastmond, who testified against Brett Kavanaugh during his Senate confirmation hearings. If we’re wondering why the Parkland student

Um...the baby was “67 hours old” in THAT photo? No he wasn’t. I’ve been around a lot of babies and that is not a three-day-old baby. What was it, a 13-month gestation period?? That kid is supporting his own head and practically sitting up on his own. He’s a few months old.

The whole influencer plus kid thing is complicated for me.

Yeah, it’s not like he lost his child in a school shooting and was immediately accused of being a crisis actor; threatened and harassed by people who claim his child never existed.

Yeah.  From a fellow diner’s perspective, a 5 day old baby is the easiest baby to have seated at the next table, as that baby will likely sleep through the entire meal. But from the baby’s perspective, that’s a whole lot of unwashed masses to be exposed to at that point in their short life.

My life is over.

What’s wrong with eating a turkey leg?

I think Jerry was thinking of the baby's immune system, not trying to ban the youths. 

I question the judgement of anyone idiotic enough to bring a 5 day old baby into a busy restaurant. If these are “influencers” I hope no other new parents are being influenced.

I mean, we have literal evidence that Snyder can’t see the forest for the trees. 

I mean he’s not wrong.....

Yup. Checks out...

Now playing

Nah the worst is Philip Seidle killing his ex-wife. Cops let him continually shoot at his ex-wife, not allowing her to get treatment for well over an hour as they tried to talk to him, and then hugged him when he finally gave up. 

I'm surprised the cops didn’t shoot the black guy to “deny the perp a hostage.”

I’m hoping to become more positive and happy in the coming years. Taking stock, it seems like I’ve grown increasingly anxious, pessimistic, unhappy, lonely, and even bitter. Lightyears from who i used to be. Honestly, I’m not entirely sure how it even came to be this way. Seems like I’m getting to the point where its

This year, I’m giving up my uterus!! And at least one of my ov’s!!

Maybe I read it wrong, but The Root’s take on it felt incredibly tongue in cheek.