
If Ley’s mom doesn’t present Ass Team of the Year at the 2019 Deadspin awards it will prove life is meaningless and has no purpose.

“I personally wanted him to go bigger during the height of the financial crisis and spend billions, not just shoring up Wall Street—a necessary evil, given the state of the economy in 2009—but directly bailing out individual homeowners. And I wanted some high-profile perp walks of corporate executives, which we never

Here it is, via web archive (Spiegel has taken it down on their live site):

I am still taken aback anytime I drive into California and get inspected for fruits and vegetables.  California doesn’t play.

No way around it, I am very much a fan of many of the things CA does, but the marijuana rollout has been a fucking disaster.

Monkey herpes is fatal to humans, biosecurity laws exist for a reason.

Exactly. What if I my husband and I were working paycheck to paycheck with no insurance? The above doesn’t even come close to the “real” cost beyond the hospital stuff (prescriptions, home modifications, navigating the nightmare that is SSD filings, etc.).

Speak on it.

Everyone always forgets Nevada has recreational. Our prices are lower than street for better quality (and consistent), our pesticide regulations beat California and were in place from day 1, we were over projected tax intake as of July 1, it’s working out beautifully.

She was, wasn’t she?! I thought maybe it was just my take on it. I had tuned in because I always find her so charming and relaxed, but that night... nah.

I was pulling for Boaty McBoatface.

First: Healthcare is in fact broken.

Just as we should rename the street that runs past the Saudi Embassy “Khashoggi Way,” we should rename 5th Avenue, the NYC street on which Trump Tower is located, “Barack Obama Avenue.” He’d have to see it every time he looked a piece of Trump stationery.

Oh for sure. And I recognize that the only reason that debt got cleared at all is because I have the wherewithal, bestowed upon me by multiple race and class privileges, to navigate a situation like that in a way that makes people want to help me. But the fact that they were able to just poof it all gone says a lot to

Tulsi Gabbard is a homophobic supporter of such charming people as Bashar al Assad and has close ties to a right-wing Indian political party. She’s constantly playing footsie with the Trump administration and has even interviewed for jobs with them. She’s trash. Congratulations on finding someone more repellent than

That is incredible luck. I'm so glad that happened to you, but yeah, the for profit medical system is inherently inhumane. For profit education, for profit medicine and for profit prisons should not be a thing. Ever.

Please share this with The Bernie Bros. You know those so called progressive people that swear that the only one that would’ve stopped Trump was their self proclaimed hero. You know the senator that doesn’t have single piece of significant legislation to his name. You know the man who left diverse Brooklyn for Vermont

Fun story. My brother isn’t quite as wealthy as TPain but still didn’t lift a finger when I was in $50k of medical debt. I took care of it not through the generosity of a family member but through the folly of man. I called the hospital billing office to get on a payment plan and the customer service dude I spoke to

Bernie Sanders refusal to bow out after it was clear he lost helped Trump win. He accused the DNC of cheating and reluctantly campaigned for Clinton. He’s old and I’m tired of trusting old men and getting screwed over. They can miss me w that Obama trashing. I don’t care about perfect. We’d be lucky to get another

Thank you!!! Bernie Sanders was not going to win the general election. People kill me with that mess. And also let’s not forget Mitch McConnell said “we are going to make him a one term president”. They REFUSED to work with him on anything. Even created new rules about when a president can nominate for the Supreme