Double negative, they cancel each other out.
Double negative, they cancel each other out.
Sure, it takes years off your life. But they’re the shitty years!! My great aunt lived to 92, which was about 20 years longer than it should have been. between the macular degeneration, osteoporosis and dementia, she ended up talkingto her dead relatives, complaining she couldn’t see them.
What if I mix the SSB with alcohol? Surely this is a two wrongs make a right situation!
Plus the really fascinating piece I saw today is that these issues are likely the result of a retrofit designed to avoid the complexity of actually redesigning the Boeing 737 airframe and control system to compete with the A320 - in other words, keeping it simple(r) while trying to get better results may be the root…
One of the only good parts of Suicide Squad was Deadshot’s demands for his daughter. Paraphrasing:
I’m shocked. You mean rich, white kids don’t earn their spots into Ivy League schools? I thought they were supposed to be filled with the best and brightest who pulled themselves up by their boot straps. Those schools aren’t bastions of meritocracy? Lol I love how people complain about affirmative action but don’t say…
The funny thing is, if a black person works their ass off to get into a school, racists will yell about affirmative action. MEANWHILE.........
This happened to me over a decade ago (before the phrase ‘revenge porn’ had even been coined), and the photos eventually ended up being posted online seven or eight years ago. When it first happened (both the original instance and the revictimization when they were posted publicly) it really did feel like the end of…
Also a victim here, and it fucking sucks. You’re right though, it isn’t a day-to-day struggle, but every time you apply for a job, or start dating someone new, you’re fucking scared. The game of “Let’s see what happens when we Google ourselves!” in mixed company...
I’m a revenge porn victim, and while it didn’t ruin my life or anything, it did really damage my ability to trust people. The worst part wasn’t my shitty abusive ex sharing the photos (I mean, he was shitty and abusive, so it was hardly a surprise) but the people I knew and trusted who were apparently part of a…
Substitute Teacher is for fascist women what Reserve Police Officer is for fascist men. For when you’re too lazy to bully and oppress full time.
Whatever happened to substitute teachers just phoning it in?
They make an app that you can use to record police footage that will automatically send the footage to the ACLU regardless of whether some cop tries to fuck with your phone. Everybody should have it.
Turns out the man was not a student at CU. He’s a student at the Naropa University (across the street from CU). It’s a Buddhist meditation school among other Buddhist disciplines. At a recent City Council meeting people turned out to protest with trash picking implements in hand.
I have a constant problem with strange criminals showing up and doing unwanted yard work on my front lawn. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve had to hire a full time good guy with a rake to keep them away!