
Heparin burned as well. Lovenox wasn’t as bad but all I wanted was to have the baby and not do the shots anymore. after the normal birth they wanted to keep me in the hospital for the week with a heparin drip and I was all hell no-give me Lovenox, lol.

At least it’s just once a day and way better than Heparin shots. Hang in there!

Some babies only scoot on their butt. However it happens, that’s great news :)

Lol, he needs it. The dude is not at all understanding Twitter ratios. Fucking billionaires...smh 

HRC is not running. The Howard dude needs to step back and sit down. 

I understand. I have a family but then again the thought of these

That’s why it’s called child-resistant now. 

When I was little, my brother and I ate a whole bottle of Flinstones vitamins (with iron). They gave us something to drink that tasted like 7-Up and we were happy but then the vomiting started in brilliant colors. Back then since we got into th child proof bottle-whomever owned Flinstones paid for the whole hospital

The marginal tax rate was 90% under Eisenhower. That’s how we had massive infrastructure projects yet had a balanced budget. 


It’s timed so you can let Netflix make all the decisions for you.

It’s from a disease decades ago but yeah...they don’t play. Since most our food comes from there though...I’m good.

Just quit if you are financially sound. Retail (except Costco) and restaurants always have high turnover rates. 

I would set the boundaries clearly and make sure you and your spouse are a united front. 

My 12 year old made sugar cookie dough completely by herself. I guess I will need to buy baking essentials now.

It seems we need another round of #dudescomplimentingotherdudes

Yep. Even though my kitchen is clean and I’m almost fanatical about food safety; I still bring store bought stuff to a potluck.

It’s not since it wasn’t an injunction so the ACA is still the law of the land and apparently other states are appealing anyway just to make sure. Nicholas Bagley on Twitter breaks it down pretty well.