
I was so happy that she was the first interview on South Beach Sessions. I listen to The Dan Le Batard Show every day and even though she wasn’t on it much she was always one of the better guests they had on. This was a really good interview and finally hearing all of her(or most of them at least) thoughts on her

Had it crumpled up with some fast food receipts and then vacuumed it all up while cleaning out the car at the car wash.

I’m from that state and I like the fact that it’s one of the few states where you aren’t required to disclose your identity to the public in order to claim the prize.

Left it in the pants pocket and put it in the laundry machine by accident.

This might be a little out there but bear with me. The word “becoming” is very powerful. When I have worked to make changes to myself, I always had it set in my head as “I am becoming.” Full stop. It’s an acknowledgment and embracing of the journey. I think M.O. using it as the title for her book was brilliant,

This woman is drop dead gorgeous. It’s a damn shame someone would come for her, unsent for, like that. Clearly a case of entitlement and insecurity on “Patient Zero’s” part. Umph, umph, umph *smh*

lol I am super not romanced by any of it. For all his remorse he still didn't give me any money for her expenses and still sees his other daughter more often than Catita. I gain nothing by taking him back. 

Hello! I am alive! Surgery went stunningly well, the surgeon told Mr. Bells it was “routine” and that he didn’t even need to stop my heart to place the valve (!!). Waking up was an adventure, as I apparently tried to pull my own breathing tube out a couple of times, and then for the rest of the day I’d fall asleep in

Catita got her 18 month vaccines this week, so she’s been feeling sucky. I tried photographing her with the cat (lol I have a Cat and a cat) but she moves too fast now! Her vaccines were about two months overdue as she was ill for a while, possibly with whopping cough. I didn’t test her because it was crazy expensive

Fuck ‘em

I agree—don’t let the sister-in-law anywhere near your baby unsupervised. I have no real advice except for the fact that it really can’t hurt much, at this stage of the game, to really play up your role as an overprotective new parent. Your baby is a few weeks old—silly you, you just don’t want to be away from that

Is anyone cooking and/or baking tonight?

So I lost my old burner and thus am grey again, but hoping for some advice. I had a baby a few weeks ago and my husband’s family is coming into town tomorrow. His parents are nice enough people, though I’ve had some issues and tension with them. But mostly things are okay even though I don’t particularly enjoy them.

Can I vent about something? I know I shouldn’t complain, it’s such a small thing, there are people with real problems out there, but I am annoyed at having to perpetuate someone else’s lie. My husband’s grandmother is 93, she lives on her own, and her kids took away her car keys after she got into a car accident. Her

Here is a picture of my cat in a necktie. Discuss.

Hi Jezzies,

....In what universe is Bria not a perfect 10 ?

Legend levels would be if Mexico built a wall on their side of the boarder and suckered Dotard into paying for it.

As a veteran who has given so much, 3 limbs, I feel deeply invested to this nation to ensure future generations have everything we have today.

Omg this shit was sooooooooo maddening. Just say you buy into white standards of beauty and hate dark skin Black women and keep it moving you dusty ass cows. Bria is snatched. Period.