
If he wouldn't casually but enthusiastically give a man the same compliment then he should not be giving that compliment at all, especially in a work place

Tell Trump the wall is one of those invisible dog fences and it’s already in place. He don’t fuckin’ know. He just wants to get to Mar -A-Lago, baby!

The answer to “what would you rather have happen” is “not let this shit happen in the first place.” You don’t get a pat on the back for hiring a qualified cleaning company to pick up after the shit you took on the couch. Don’t shit on the couch.

Addiction is such a terrible demon to battle. Mental health issues, the same. To hell with the football games, I hope that Josh gets his life and his mental health straightened out soon. I feel for him.

I was just thinking that I am too old to feel this excited about this sequel...  

I am excited of course

I am so excited for this stupid teen Netflix movie. I am 36 and have watched this movie like 10x already and I have no idea why I can not stop watching it.

An anti-lynching bill introduced by Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker passed the Senate unanimously. According to Harris, “nearly 200 anti-lynching bills were introduced in Congress during the first half of the 20th century,” and Congress failed to make it a federal crime until now.”

Michael Rapaport is 48 looks 63 and acts 16. If you keep literally every aspect of him exactly the same there’s hotter men every place anywhere. 

Is it better than nothing? Sure. But when you’re talking about federal prisons, you’re talking about less than 10% of the total prison population.

lamented the current state of “broken politics,”

Do these cookies have nuts? Asking for an intolerant friend.

The Right: Gender is based on IMMUTABLE biological characteristics like BODY PARTS and CHROMOSOMES.

This almost happened to me once, back when I worked at Fed Ex loading boxes into the trucks.

You left a box out around a cat?  Rookie mistake.

“Feel the market. Don’t go with meaningless numbers”

Let’s keep Darkness outta this crapfest.

I figured this was a check in excess of $10,000 whereby a bank is required to inform someone if you’re attempting to withdraw it in cash, but nope: