
“We were making Snapchats, that’s what we always do,” she said. “We were making Snapchats, she gave me a kiss on the cheek.”

What happened next would result in a fractured spine and fear so deep, she didn’t want to appear on camera.

“I don’t think I’m ever gonna get on a train again,” she said.

She is just 20-years-old.


I was allowed the spatula and one of the beaters from the mixer. If my dad was still at work, my mom would seran wrap the second beater and put it in the mostly scraped out bowl and put it in the fridge. And then, I’d usually sneak onto his lap and look sad and cute to get more.

Find him and bring him to us.

Nothing happened

Luckily, Tumblr has taken steps to solve the problem by banning porn even harder.

2018: “Imn ot crock1" - Donald Trump

The GOP did the same autopsy thing after 2012. They determined that they had problems reaching and connecting with women, youth, and all minority voters, and they resolved to do better at it. “We’ve got to stop being the Party of Stupid,” they said. Nothing happened, et voila, here they are again! Still scratching

There are she was mad because she felt that the bar was polluting the river and killing animals and she was obsessed with Columbine and has ties to anarchists groups.

In case you were under any misapprehensions that the GOP cares anything whatsoever for the rule of law.

2018: “Democrats can’t find a Smocking Gun!” - Donald Trump

Alfalfa isn’t a Little Rascal any more, apparently. Also, how was all the Nazi correspondence with Roof not a tipoff? You’d think that would get her on at least a couple federal watch lists.

salad’ll kill you faster than raw cookie dough, these days. do whatever you want, kids. we’re all gonna die anyway.

I know of exactly one person who got samonella from raw eggs and he was a body builder who literally swallowed raw eggs (6 daily), and tbh I’m not confident it was the eggs exactly bc he ate all kinds of questionable stuff and was kind of gross. Doc blamed the eggs when he heard about it though, which was fair.

I gotta say Samantha wins this one, and she’s got some real competition. She, in my opinion, beat out even Lindsay; it’s like watching Phantom of the Opera done entirely on social media and Christine is just grabbing up the followers.

I’m just gonna theough this out there...I know it’s a crazy thought so don’t jump down my throat. If only the security guard had the presence of mind to find a seat for her and her baby or asked someone if they would voluntarily give up their seat. I know I know...stupid idea...carry on.  

Cop logic: mother holding on to child is child endangerment, but cop trying to rip child out of mother’s arms is not child endangerment! Because, hey, the cop has GOOD intentions, but the mother has EVIL intentions, right?

The cops were called on her for SITTING ON THE FLOOR???

Fire the fucking security guard who called the cops too. Fire the social workers who saw this shit about to go down and didn’t step in.