
Ice. Meds. Don’t be a hero,take the pills!  Do not drink through a straw. Keep your head propped/elevated slightly. Don’t spit vigorously. Allow yourself to be taken care of and treat yourself gently. Give it extra time to heal!

food ideas: mashed potatoes, yogurt, apple sauce, broth, tomato soup

I didn’t have recurrent miscarriage, but did have one and then a couple of years of “unexplained” infertility, several unsuccessful medicated cycles and an unsuccessful IUI before becoming pregnant again unexpectedly while waiting to begin our first IVF cycle. Ended up with a healthy baby (who is now a very energetic

I volunteer to check homeless hostels are being run correctly and that the residents are happy and comfortable. This week I visited one and I was so thankful for the homeless hostel that I was in, the room I had was a palace compared to the bleak room i saw. It wasn't the hostel that I visited this week fault, there's

America has the largest population of people in jail or prison of any country in the entire world.

Hey guys, long time no see! I forget to post early on Saturdays so that’s why there haven’t been Catalina updates. So here’s one.

This is what happens when you have a for profit prison industry. That number is only going to get higher.

Bless your Hart; you obviously can’t read, because this is some stupid shit you’ve just said that was gloriously batted down by everything Monique just wrote.

I am thinking of Heather and her family, this evening, particularly her strong mother who has gone out of her comfort zone to appear in public through all of this.

It’s clear why he’s done so little in office (aside from his folks putting up judges to go through the judg approval factory that is the United States Senate), because criming is his full-time job. Running a campaign and presidenting is apparently a part-time job for him.

I think this is the only reaction he has to these revelations. As the saying goes, if the facts don’t support your position make shit up. It’s been clear ever since Trump entered the Presidential race that he ignores facts that make him look bad, and makes up things to make himself look good.

I will say this until I’m blue in the face.

I do not understand why we need to worry about Hart’s redemption, or Louis CK, or Al Franken, or Matt Laurer or any other recent asshat.

I’m glad to see the emphasis on atonement. One of the lowest common denominator responses is a sincere apology. And that sincerity is measured by atonement.

First, the response to HamNo’s wrongheaded Obama piece and now this? Can Monique just respond to all the foolish opinions that other Gizmodo Media writer put out? Because she’s the best at pointing out their illogical and problematic opinions.

That’s the thing, isn’t it? They could do so much good by focusing on actual issues that cause actual animals actual pain. I’m all for treating animals with respect, even when they destined to be killed and eaten. Especially if they are destined to be killed and eaten. Treat them humanely while they are living, kill

Pelosi is the only one who has the power, money and location of all the bodies to really get things done.New blood would be great but we can’t afford the time to break on a new Speaker with this current administration.

I look forward to Seth Moulton and Kathleen Rice being named to the House Subcommittee for Picking Up the Speaker’s Dry Cleaning.

Now it’s time to wreck the president’s shit all the way up. Hey, Donny?