
My deepest. I hope you two have a good and love filled day tomorrow.

Jesus, that’s awful.

Lol omg I feel awful for laughing that must have been terrible

Its 2018, i may be pregnant. If i am its great, but after two miscarriages the stress and hope is sucking a lot if the joy out. 

I have been wanting to rage, scream, and throw things against the wall because of how this has all been handled.

I’ve never been more excited to watch two people have to coexist as pallbearers.

I can understand the struggle for some to understand how someone they know in one way could possibly behave in another way. Surely we’ve all been there in one way or another with our friends and family.

It’s never the woman you know either. It’s never the opinionated, happy-seeming, confident woman being abused. It’s never the happy mother, the dedicated wife, the accomplished physician. That woman would never be abused. She would stop it. She would not put up with that kind of thing. Her upbringing didn’t

They have been getting away with it from the beginning. Shortly after the inauguration it was revealed that Pence has used his AOL account for State business while Governor of Indiana. His account was actually hacked, and Pence refused to turn over private emails to the state as required by law. A few months later, it

Bashing Hillary was profitable and all the MSM got on that gravy train. A perfect example is how rude was Chuck Todd was to Hillary during the debate. The worst day might have been when CNN and MSNBC both aired Trump’s empty podium while Hillary was actually speaking to Union workers in Vegas.

You hit the nail on the head. As much as Fox News and the right wing work to villainize Hilary, they have received a massive amount of help from the putatively liberal mainstream media. Without the help of mainstream media outlets, I don’t feel that anti Hilary hysteria would be as normalized as it is now. I have

I swear, these people legit believed that Hillary Clinton had some Hank Scorpio undrground bunker where she plotted and devised to give the Denver Broncos to a trusted employee whilst taking over the east coast. Unfortunately, so called “progressives” bought that shit as well because nothing is more terrifying than a w

I guess Trump was right.

If you didn’t laugh at her calling Huckabee-Sanders Aunt Lydia from The Handmaid’s Tale, I don’t know if you should be commenting on comedy.

I’m sure no one cares but its the internet so I’ll share my opinion anyway. I’ve never liked this event. The sooner it ends, the better. To me, it gives off impressions of the media being too chummy with the people they are covering and also gives the media an inflated sense of self. I suppose this is just a public

The WHCA ridiculousness with Wolf was particularly notable but it bears remembering: this is an odious event, and has been for as long as I’ve been politically aware. Stephen Colbert was also way over whatever imaginary line Wolf went over, during the GWBush administration, and the responses to his performance, while

sad little snowflakes. to paraphrase a famous quote. Conservatives are afraid liberals will laugh at them, liberals are afraid conservatives will kill them. 

Good reading from the WaPo over this weekend: Authoritarianism is a different beast entirely from what the world is dealing with right now. Instead of enforcing totally authoritarian rule, strongmen leaders today are leaving the traditional rules of democracy in place but undermining them at every turn, embracing

You lost me when you complained about people being abandoned by the media and universities. I’m not sure how a university is expected to keep Middle American prosperity afloat. Are you suggesting that there are no conservatives in our colleges and universities? Because that’s absurd. Hell, college educated white people