
Yeah, pneumonia is one of the least understood and because of that most deadly diseases out there. When you hear about flu deaths, a lot of them are because the flu turned into pneumonia.

I had pneumonia for weeks and didn’t know before waking up in the middle in the night panting for air. Went to urgent care and could see the fluid in my lungs and it hit me that I could have nearly died. I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend, pneumonia is a sneaky bastard. What I thought was just a cough was slowly

Pneumonia is relentless.

“Don’t say birthing canal. Say birthing stream, because streams are calming.”

According to the reports I’ve read, she spoke to a doctor the day before she died.

Democrats picked up at least 34 seats in the House, the most in a generation.

Literally anyone else would have been a better choice than Schumer. Everyone who keeps ignoring what a great job Pelosi does, take an actual look at Schumer’s terrible job and tell me why the hell that waste of space is still minority leader.

Democrats picked up at least 34 seats in the House, the most in a generation.

Michael Avenatti was supposedly arrested on charges of domestic violence:

It’s just preemptive ass-covering. We’ll have a Democratic President in 2 years, and they’re already cleaning house.

The kind of white women NBC was courting with Kelly’s hire only wants to be racist in private or in the voting booth. They don’t want it reflected back to them. It’s why they get pissed when caught on camera and why they rejected Megyn Kelly.

What just hit me is that it was the biggest turnout since before (white) women got the right to vote. 

Are his tweets getting progressively worse or is my threshold for stupidity getting lower and lower?

If one of the most important parts of your job is running an election and you want a promotion to governor, that election better be run smoothly.

It’s great that turnout was higher than it has been in a long time, but it’s still depressing on so many levels that it’s still less than half. 

I really, truly do not get the argument that Pelosi should step down as Speaker because of the usual political lip service paid to “bipartisan” efforts after a historic election day (best for the Dems since the 1970's!), and because she is somehow against progressive policies when she’s:
1) released an official policy

I mean, she’s only one of the most effective individuals on the Hill in our lifetimes. Would it be fucking NICE if the misogyny of the other side (and, frankly, on our side) didn’t disingenuously dictate who the Speaker will be?

By the by, this is the first bill Democrats want to work on. Is this Progressive enough?

I’m kind of ambivalent about Pelosi. On the one hand, I do agree that fresh leadership (preferably a woman, or a person of color, or ideally, both!) would be great. On the other, nobody wrangles votes like Pelosi. And she’s perhaps the most successful non-presidential politician ever, in terms of fundraising, which is

We should absolutely have Nancy Pelosi step down, because, if Paul Ryan’s tenure taught us nothing it’s that a completely inexperienced but on party trend speaker works out super great.