hoooooly cow. dude devolved into DYEL insults. I can’t. XD
hoooooly cow. dude devolved into DYEL insults. I can’t. XD
This is such a great article, Mr. Young. I was beaten as a child, with a large wooden paddle, and by the time I was four, I learned to stop crying because if I cried, the beatings lasted longer. I was determined never to strike my children.
Arizona’s been WILD. This is a big gigantic treat but the lil’ cherry on top is that also in the Arizona race for Superintendent of Public Instruction, Democrat Kathy Hoffman beat Republican Frank Riggs AFTER he suggested she concede on election night to him. She was like nahhhhhh, I’ll wait for all the votes to be…
May I add that they always find a Lego under their bare feet?
Nathan Peterman will still get signed by an NFL team before Colin Kaepernick, and millions of fuck heads will argue that it’s because he’s a more traditional, pro-style pocket passer than Kap was, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
“It means that the poor won’t sit in jail because they don’t have a few dollars. It also means that they won’t have pressure on them to plead guilty when they know they are not. It means a lower jail population ... and a more humane criminal justice system.” Creuzot said. “I really think that if we do this in a smart…
“Trump is shaking!!!”
Josh Dawsey: “A lid at 10 AM. Trump will have no movements today, per White House.”
Sounds like Trump needs more fiber in his diet.
Axios: ‘The House Oversight Committee has already blocked 64 subpoena requests submitted by democrats as of September’
I like how you posted three articles that actually gave parents responsible ways to “discipline” their children and the only take away you could infer was that children hate discipline and psychology is dumb.
Yeah, I was shocked they held the game. I saw on the news that the air quality in Sacramento is so bad that they’ve been handing out face masks and cancelling events. Even LeBron, who is in peak physical condition, was bothered by the smoke.
Watch Kings-Lakers last night? There was smoke on the court. Javale McGee, asthmatic, complained of shortness of breath and nausea. He's a professional athlete. Old folks here are in huge danger.
I have been horrified by the videos of people just straight up driving through fire. I saw one on the news last night with a father and his young kid in the car, and the father is trying to keep his kid calm and he’s singing songs and trying to pretend like everything is OK and meanwhile, the world is literally burning…
This is also directly related to climate change and God forbid the GOP acknowledge that. The west coast forests are facing massive increases in pest pressure with new cankers and tree borers invading and destroying acres upon acres of trees. The weakened and dead trees just sit there, increasing the fuel loads for…
He’s such a horrible asshole, and also doesn’t even realize that the fires in Southern California aren’t considered forest fires. People’s lives are being lost and their homes are being destroyed, and you know he’s cackling in glee because he hates California.
I’m still a little stunned by people on social media who are still shocked by his callousness. “What would it take or him to show a little decency?!” He’s little more than an animal and his tweets are the equivalent of a dog licking its balls under the dining room table.
I work in Chico and driving through the city last Friday felt like an afternoon drive through the apocalypse. The devastation that Paradise, Redding, Chico is enduring on top of the Redding fire that they just extinguished at the very least deserves a presidential visit and a scintilla of empathy. That’s it. Trump has…
They would have been much better off arresting every white guy walking around if through stereotypes is how were policing these days.
Nearby a gaggle of white girls walked out of the mall with fifteen thousand dollars worth of stolen makeup.
If you are thinking, “these firefighters should be doing something else” there are a couple of things I would ask you to consider as a person who spent his younger days coping with crisis situations. First, we don’t always have the ability to choose where we are deployed, when we arrive, or leave. So better to do…