

So twenty years ago, my cousin announces she’s getting married. Ok, cool. She’s having her bridal shower in a German social club somewhere in the mid west two days before the wedding. Ok, cool. I’m her maid of honor, but the groom’s mother has planned this, and I’m a broke college student,

My own unasked-for bridal shower was so awkward (and also maybe the only one I’ve ever been to?) It was thrown by my work friends, who were acquaintances by my standards, but this was in Texas y’all and they were trying to be kind to this newly-engaged Yankee. It was dubbed a ‘lingerie shower’, which to this day is

There are a few things that are good about being an old. One is weddings and showers. I don’t go to them anymore, period. Okay I might attend a Vegas wedding on the fly, if I happened to be there already. And back in the old days, it was fine to give a toaster, or maybe one place setting for a close friend. When I got

I went to a really uncomfortable Dr. Who-themed shower that was in a ramshackle American Legion Hall for a work friend. Her sister had created all these goofy bridal shower games that were also Dr. Who related (including one involving wearing a fez? also there were quotes from the show printed out on slips of paper

I know he has no idea how NATO functions, but Europe building up its military is, literally, what he’s actually been asking for years

The bride: my husband’s ex. The location: somebody’s basement. After the “design a toilet paper wedding dress” game we settled in for trivia...about the groom. Nobody really knew this guy because he was her rebound that she had only known for a few months, and she didn’t bring him around much. But whatever it’s just

Pssst. Rubio. Scott. Spanky. The louder you guys yap about the Florida recount, the more guilty it makes you look. This has been a public service announcement.

The bridesmaid who planned the party didn’t know the difference between a shower and bachelorette party. I guess she thought it was weird that the bride had requested she invite so many older family members and work friends, but she must have never questioned it. I generally find penis toy and stripper bachelorette

I haven’t been to any weird bridal showers per se, but the most recent shower I went to was organized by one of the bride’s roommates. Said roommate demanded everyone pay attention to her and did not stop talking about herself for 45 minutes. Topics included going on a rant about her recent break up as well as giving

My SIL’s shower has hands down become a family legend. Brunch theme, hired an omelette man caterer to come and, as you guessed, make omelettes on demand to people’s orders. One of the grandmothers brought out her lovely crystal wine glasses to use for mimosas. Omelette man arrives with an assistant-it’s a young guy

My sister’s best friend had gotten engaged. Not a good idea. All they did was fight. Well two weeks before the shower the couple had a huge, very ugly fight that pretty much ended things. Except not officially I guess.

Oh for sure. I’ve never encountered a keyboard revolutionary who wasn’t white, straight, and middle class or higher. They’re able to cosplay that shit, because they know that even if it was to happen, they wouldn’t be the ones with a boot pressing their faces into the pavement.

Because they don’t give a shit about black people. You think Becky Kreuger or Libby Watson have any black friends? I bet Hamilton Nolan would cross the street to avoid walking by a black man. These trust fund anarchists want the government to burn, but are completely unaware as to how much the still-remaining social

When did he call a thing a thing?

Exactly. More than once, I saw people trying to explain that his utter lack of effort on race-based issues that didn’t happen before the advent of computers was due to the fact that dealing with economic issues would somehow address racial inequality as well. Which, any time someone claimed that, always basically just

What makes me sick is that he campaigned with Gillum. He used Gillum to famewhore and then when he thought Gillum lost used that as a way to cape for racists. I hope the black millennials who bought into Bernie’s bullshit see what he’s really about now. This man is not an ally. He’s just Trump without the dementia.

He continues to disappoint.

Stuff like this is why he won’t get elected President.

You guys, they’re not actually racist. They just won’t vote for black people!!!

FFS the solution to “white people are uncomfortable voting for PoC” is to run more PoC until they get comfortable. To run away and throw PoC under the bus is some next level bullshit. I’m really disheartened that so many in the far left are just so utterly clueless about race in this nation.