That sounds...actually kind of sweet. Like a little birth tree. But this, placenta smoothie?? Yeah, that’s gross
I remember when I thought my friend’s wife was odd for taking her placenta, burying it in her yard, and planting a tree on top of it. Good times, good times.
We need the UN to step in for Florida
Seriously, why are there no articles calling for Bernie to sit his ass down?
Motherforking toit.
I was seriously traumatized by Florida from the 2000 fiasco so now I’m having flashbacks. I feel like that state needs an intervention on elections and how you do them.
B99 and Good Place on the same night for a couple of weeks? I definitely want it that way.
It will be forking noice.
Title of your sex tape.
Toit, even.
Two weeks of watching The Good Place and B99 on the same night will be noice.
This. Why not protest outside Fox News? That whole place is a propaganda machine. Carlson is just a cog in the machine.
fuck the institution, not the person.
This isn’t about being fucking polite. Go talk to some abortion clinic workers about what happens when people think it’s okay to harass you at home.
I’m going to guess that Smash Racism DC is 90-95% White.
Let me guess, this was a group of white “progressives” and DSA idiots. This is exactly the kind of nutsfuckery that they love. Well at least they waited until after the midterms.