That guy, amirite

The only non Dune books I would recommend are Soul Catcher and The White Plague.

Sydney Sweeney is the ultimate “Butter Face.”

If they HAVE to make one, Matthew Rhys would make a perfect Reed.


Wow, that is so germane to the conversation and TOTALLY excuses racism!

I always thought he would make an excellent Joker.

The article and comments are full of people saying how much they love it and how funny she is for “telling it like it is.”

Her co star was recently (and rightly) raked over the coals for complaining “I have to work, work, work, I can’t just take weeks off whenever I want to.”

Or, the bloopers would have made the movie more fun or interesting so they are being hid out of embarrassment.

Dakota Johnson, who has beautiful, white girl privilege, bad mouths/doesn’t speak glowingly of her current project. Public: “Aw hell yes, what a fucking QUEEN!”


Don’t you know/ we’re talkin’ bout poor resolution

Am I the only person who doesn’t give a fuck about the sexual nature of this and is just sad about the waste this will cause?

Oh yeah, will not be watching this.

The right finds men who believe in conspiracies endearing.

But making a trans character sympathetic is “bad writing”!!!!

The Doctor has often been awkward and rude throughout 60 years, even after “learning better”.

“We are not computers Sebastian!” 

There was talk recently of a GQ series. At least, I’m pretty sure there was.

Quarktum Leap!