That guy, amirite

Blake’s7 had an awesome ending.

“But this was on MY list.”

Chewbacca, the droids and Nein Nubb are still alive.

Back in 1980, nerds used the letters page in Starlog magazine to vent their rage. There was a lot of anger toward ESB. Many people did not like Yoda, they said he was too puppet like and sounded like Fozzie the Bear. Tons were pissed that Leia chose Han over Luke. What I remember getting a huge amount of rancor (no

I don’t think it’s quite fair to lump the Idris Elba character into the “Starfleet gone bad” category. He wan’t motivated by greed, megalomania or an unwavering devotion to duty and Starfleet that other characters in the past used as an excuse to do evil. He was motivated by survival and he believed Starfleet

I really love TMP.

Thank you

The scene in V where Sybok examines Spock and McCoy’s “pain” was awesome, such a shame the rest of the movie was so dire.

I really liked it. The trailer made it look like it was going to be terrible but I was happy to be proven wrong. It’s definitely the best of the “Nu-Trek”,  Into Darkness being the absolute worst Trek film period.

Is this streaming anywhere?

Guy looks the villain from a 90's Stephen King miniseries.

One might say...A Milton Boil!

Odo if he didn’t get to rest in that fucking bucket of his.

But-but-but...your name...

Dafuq is on the Iran/Iraq border, right?

Also, their name sucks. It takes WAY more than thirty seconds to get to Mars, BELIEVE me...

Loved Dark and totally agree on the dubbing, it was amazingly terrible. I switched to German with English subtitles after the first episode.

Love the song, hate the video.

We would have also accepted the following:

I notice that every Easter, Walgreens puts out a display of DVD’s and Beetlejuice is always among them. I guess due to it’s powerful themes of rebirth and redemption?