Muffaletta Special

SoloLearn Teaches Coding Basics In Byte-Sized Lessons Every Day

Don’t you dare!

The headline that launched a thousand masturbation jokes.

The headline that launched a thousand masturbation jokes.

I can just imagine trying this at work. A chatty cathy coworker comes to my desk as I’m having a conversation with coworker Ted and tries to interrupt.
“Excuse me, Ted...”
*turns, gently places hand over rude coworkers mouth*
“Linda, I am acknowledging that you’d like my attention but right now you need to shut the fuck

I like this. I totally understand free apps having ads. But if I pay to download something and it still has advertisements, it really annoys me.

The last I checked, you could get the Facebook app over a year ago. What am I missing here?

“You have to stop the q-tip when there’s resistance!”

While that may be true, it’s still rude AF and non-professional. Also I invite you to:

Here’s #11, stay off your fucking phone during my presentation. I’m providing you with information and you can do me the courtesy of at least looking like you are paying attention.

If I told you I waved a magic wand over my kid’s head and that alleviated his teething discomfort, would you believe me? Or would you say that maybe it got better on its own (since kids don’t teethe forever)? Or that I as the believing mom interpreted his actions in a more positive way? Or that maybe he picked up on

For me, Chromebook is a perfect “2nd computer” only.

I like to rock compartmentalism with nighttime shower crying along with private outbursts of rage (usually in the form of car yelling and cursing.)

I’d add mold into the Unsafe Materials section. While you might not find asbestos or lead in newer homes, mold can be found in any age of home and can cause lots of health problems. I would especially advise anyone doing a bathroom rework to plan for mold and then be happily surprised (and under budget) if you don’t

As someone who works in I.T., I can tell you that the user never gets blamed for being stupid. It’s always the software’s fault for not preventing the user from doing something wrong.

Unexpected divorce due to ex-wife just walking away from marriage, mortgage, car payment, etc. And cleaning out joint savings account (to which only I had contributed) for the first and last on an apartment with her boyfriend.

This article overlooks the obvious: everyone knows this is going on, and the races themselves should be the ones using the FLIR cameras. But they aren’t, why?

Actually this has always existed, they just added subfolders.

Thanks. Yeah the Mythbusters did this years ago.