Muffaletta Special

Step 1: Overthink until your mind breaks down to a point of picking one randomly.

Ron D Moore had nothing to do with Voyager until a very brief stint on the writing staff in the sixth season. He didn’t write the pilot.

That wasn’t George Takei’s point at all.

Aaaaaaand there’s the Fanboy reply.

None of it matters.

This is the reason you aren’t supposed to take photographs of yourself in the voting booth, so you don’t have proof which way you voted.

One concern I have that was lightly touched here is voter manipulation. When you get a booth, no one can see how you vote. An abusive spouse, a union leader, your boss... they can’t *prove* how you voted and if they ask, you can lie if you feel threatened. However, what’s to stop someone from looking over your

Definitely “burning bridges”. Waititi, notoriously cruel, humorless, and brutal to his cast and crew, is well-known for being virtually impossible to work with. Set reports from Thor include rumors that he regularly shouted at, belittled, and even struck Hiddleston, and that Hemsworth was hospitalized four times and

So, it’s been delayed, they’ve lost their showrunner, it will be on the garbage CBS All Access service, and there hasn’t been any casting news yet? When can we start freaking out?

Ideas don’t wear out. They can be done poorly or well.

Listeriosis and botulism say yes.

These laws absolutely should exist. Repealing them would be the absolute wrong move.

Don’t worry, Millenial nostalgia will be just as annoying to future generations.

For such a huge, scary attack, it’s pretty incredible how easy it was to go on about my day (on the internet) normally and really not even notice.

Please explain how the hell you’re still having problems with automatic updates. Surely you must save your work on a regular basis... but if not... I suspect that’s your problem. Nobody running windows 10 in my company has lost any work and that includes the people who haven’t bothered to set “active hours”. On top of

Is it weird to say that the specs of the phone are “pathetic” and then list 3GB of ram which is what the iPhone 7 has and is more than my iphone 6? ...

Ditto. I also dig the pebbled look in a world of shiny-sleek

It’s ok to hate him for that and SOOOOOOOO many other things.

Is it wrong to hate this guy for the “Anddd”?

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.- Thomas A. Edison