Muffaletta Special

Nonsense. Stay. You have the right of it.

God bless Alamo Drafthouse.

Orange + Cranberry + Dark Chocolate.

We’re paying for the service as Prime customers, so it’s not out of the goodness of their heart. It just costs Amazon very little to do this as they have their massive storage business already built.

We aren’t going to fire you...yet.

Because that shit is foul and the universe is trying to protect you.

That’d be murder on my carpal tunnel.

We have the “Vertical handle on both sides of the glass door” type here at work. They piss everyone off. We put up post-it notes to tell people which is which, but management/maintenance keeps taking them down.

Profile pic? But probably just lazy developers. Love the granular permissions in Android 6.

I use a generic version of this (the clip is tension-based, not magnetic) for travel. It’s perfect.

I use a generic version of this (the clip is tension-based, not magnetic) for travel. It’s perfect.

Job hunters: If you lean anywhere left of center (or even just in the middle) politically, stay the hell away from Colorado Springs. It’s full of a bunch of right wingers (e.g. it’s home to Focus on the Family).

#5 has bitten me in the ass a few times, now that I’m in the “Senior” stage of my career. The beancounters think they can hire 2-3 juniors for my salary (or a half-dozen off-shore flunkies), but then end up with shitty product and never seem to know why.

If you can get us the features we lost when Adobe dropped Fireworks in favor of Photoshop, you will win the undying devotion of a lot of designers and developers.

If you do it right, none.

What dumbass flight attendant (or anyone with a three digit IQ) is going to accept food from a random stranger? Wrapping be damned, that can be redone pretty easily.

Yeah, I should have included that as well. But it seems like full-fledged gambling has wrecked more lives/families than state-sanctioned lotteries. I could be wrong though. Lotteries are a few bucks (or 10, 20) a week whereas you can wipe out your life savings at a casino in under an hour.

Las Vegas, Reno, Atlantic City...this is what happens when America doesn’t take teaching Math to kids seriously.

I got your back.

Well the phone could conceivably handle the field guides. It could handle the photography, but not at a professional level.

HDR stands for “high dynamic range,” and while it shares a name with the photo technology on your smartphone’s camera, they actually aren’t related at all.