Muffaletta Special

Sorry if that was unclear, buying a car from a Tesla store is basically this. You go to your local store and talk with a product specialist, you can conduct a test drive if you like. If you choose to buy you then order a car with your desired options. Car is delivered and you pay for it (or lease it). No haggling, no

Thought Catalog is the worst thing written *by* millennials. This is the worst thing written ABOUT millennials.

You mean you’re leaving?

A car that costs over twice what I can afford to spend for a car?

I didn’t mean it wasn’t trustworthy, I mean he shoulda put some time in the UI cause it looks like standard Malware as fuck.

But then they might judge my day drinking...

Call me when they weaponize that laser, I wanna be able to zap my oldest cat who just can’t stop chewing plants when no pesky human’s around.

Call me when they weaponize that laser, I wanna be able to zap my oldest cat who just can’t stop chewing plants when

Agreed, the whole series was brilliant so far. People hate ME3 but I really thought it was icing on the cake.

I would think, for those that want the crispy, doing this in a well greased muffin pan would be even better. Even more surface.

Well, Louis did. I just quoted.

My parent’s considerations:

Or... you could learn to use a knife safely, which would in fact be more useful.


Also, Forgot to add, Onetastic is a great place to add plugins to one note to add some extra functionality and tweaks that you might find useful.

Nothing worse than the bad boss, had one where he literally didn't want to be the boss, did zero management, complained about random things, then laid off everyone that wasn't on his drinking buddy list.

This article serves as a great reminder about why American corporate culture is so soul-sucking.

This is how you will start to see alternative banking services. If banks start to charge you for holding your money there then some startup will bring a tech savvy and easy/convenient way to bank. I see no incentive for the average person to keep their money in a big bank with ridiculous fees if this is the case. Why

Don't do it, can you trust someone who dips Doritos in salsa?

Thanks for the feature!